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Line Segment Circle Intersection



I am trying to determine the point at which a line segment intersect a circle. For example, given any point between P0 and P3 (And also assuming that you know the radius), what is the easiest method to determine P3?


like image 365
dtuckernet Avatar asked May 23 '11 00:05


3 Answers

Go for this code..its save the time

private boolean circleLineIntersect(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float cx, float cy, float cr ) {
      float dx = x2 - x1;
      float dy = y2 - y1;
      float a = dx * dx + dy * dy;
      float b = 2 * (dx * (x1 - cx) + dy * (y1 - cy));
      float c = cx * cx + cy * cy;
      c += x1 * x1 + y1 * y1;
      c -= 2 * (cx * x1 + cy * y1);
      c -= cr * cr;
      float bb4ac = b * b - 4 * a * c;

         // return false  No collision
         // return true Collision
      return bb4ac >= 0;
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Tofeeq Ahmad Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 08:11

Tofeeq Ahmad


  • find the angle between P0 and P1
  • draw a line at that angle from P0 at a distance r, which will give you P3

In pseudocode,

theta = atan2(P1.y-P0.y, P1.x-P0.x)
P3.x = P0.x + r * cos(theta)
P3.y = P0.y + r * sin(theta)
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Greg Hewgill Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 10:11

Greg Hewgill

From the center of the circle and the radius you can write the equation describing the circle. From the two points P0 and P1 you can write the equation describing the line.

So you have 2 equations in 2 unknowns, which you can solved through substitution.

Let (x0,y0) = coordinates of the point P0

And (x1,y1) = coordinates of the point P1

And r = the radius of the circle.

The equation for the circle is:

(x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 = r^2

The equation for the line is:

(y-y0) = M(x-x0)  // where M = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)

Plugging the 2nd equation into the first gives:

(x-x0)^2*(1 + M^2) = r^2

x - x0 = r/sqrt(1+M^2)

Similarly you can find that

y - y0 = r/sqrt(1+1/M^2)

The point (x,y) is the intersection point between the line and the circle, (x,y) is your answer.

P3 = (x0 + r/sqrt(1+M^2), y0 + r/sqrt(1+1/M^2))
like image 42
Himadri Choudhury Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 08:11

Himadri Choudhury