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Limiting range of value types in C++


Suppose I have a LimitedValue class which holds a value, and is parameterized on int types 'min' and 'max'. You'd use it as a container for holding values which can only be in a certain range. You could use it such:

LimitedValue< float, 0, 360 > someAngle( 45.0 ); someTrigFunction( someAngle ); 

so that 'someTrigFunction' knows that it is guaranteed to be supplied a valid input (The constructor would throw an exception if the parameter is invalid).

Copy-construction and assignment are limited to exactly equal types, though. I'd like to be able to do:

LimitedValue< float, 0, 90 > smallAngle( 45.0 ); LimitedValue< float, 0, 360 > anyAngle( smallAngle ); 

and have that operation checked at compile-time, so this next example gives an error:

LimitedValue< float, -90, 0 > negativeAngle( -45.0 ); LimitedValue< float, 0, 360 > postiveAngle( negativeAngle ); // ERROR! 

Is this possible? Is there some practical way of doing this, or any examples out there which approach this?

like image 253
user23434 Avatar asked Sep 29 '08 12:09


People also ask

Is there any limit to data type?

Upper limit of data type Number (Integer) is 2,147,483,647.

What is the range of float in C?

Since the high-order bit of the mantissa is always 1, it is not stored in the number. This representation gives a range of approximately 3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38 for type float. You can declare variables as float or double, depending on the needs of your application.

1 Answers

OK, this is C++11 with no Boost dependencies.

Everything guaranteed by the type system is checked at compile time, and anything else throws an exception.

I've added unsafe_bounded_cast for conversions that may throw, and safe_bounded_cast for explicit conversions that are statically correct (this is redundant since the copy constructor handles it, but provided for symmetry and expressiveness).

Example Use

#include "bounded.hpp"  int main() {     BoundedValue<int, 0, 5> inner(1);     BoundedValue<double, 0, 4> outer(2.3);     BoundedValue<double, -1, +1> overlap(0.0);      inner = outer; // ok: [0,4] contained in [0,5]      // overlap = inner;     // ^ error: static assertion failed: "conversion disallowed from BoundedValue with higher max"      // overlap = safe_bounded_cast<double, -1, +1>(inner);     // ^ error: static assertion failed: "conversion disallowed from BoundedValue with higher max"      overlap = unsafe_bounded_cast<double, -1, +1>(inner);     // ^ compiles but throws:     // terminate called after throwing an instance of 'BoundedValueException<int>'     //   what():  BoundedValueException: !(-1<=2<=1) - BOUNDED_VALUE_ASSERT at bounded.hpp:56     // Aborted      inner = 0;     overlap = unsafe_bounded_cast<double, -1, +1>(inner);     // ^ ok      inner = 7;     // terminate called after throwing an instance of 'BoundedValueException<int>'     //   what():  BoundedValueException: !(0<=7<=5) - BOUNDED_VALUE_ASSERT at bounded.hpp:75     // Aborted } 

Exception Support

This is a bit boilerplate-y, but gives fairly readable exception messages as above (the actual min/max/value are exposed as well, if you choose to catch the derived exception type and can do something useful with it).

#include <stdexcept> #include <sstream>  #define STRINGIZE(x) #x #define STRINGIFY(x) STRINGIZE( x )  // handling for runtime value errors #define BOUNDED_VALUE_ASSERT(MIN, MAX, VAL) \     if ((VAL) < (MIN) || (VAL) > (MAX)) { \         bounded_value_assert_helper(MIN, MAX, VAL, \                                     "BOUNDED_VALUE_ASSERT at " \                                     __FILE__ ":" STRINGIFY(__LINE__)); \     }  template <typename T> struct BoundedValueException: public std::range_error {     virtual ~BoundedValueException() throw() {}     BoundedValueException() = delete;     BoundedValueException(BoundedValueException const &other) = default;     BoundedValueException(BoundedValueException &&source) = default;      BoundedValueException(int min, int max, T val, std::string const& message)         : std::range_error(message), minval_(min), maxval_(max), val_(val)     {     }      int const minval_;     int const maxval_;     T const val_; };  template <typename T> void bounded_value_assert_helper(int min, int max, T val,                                                        char const *message = NULL) {     std::ostringstream oss;     oss << "BoundedValueException: !("         << min << "<="         << val << "<="         << max << ")";     if (message) {         oss << " - " << message;     }     throw BoundedValueException<T>(min, max, val, oss.str()); } 

Value Class

template <typename T, int Tmin, int Tmax> class BoundedValue { public:     typedef T value_type;     enum { min_value=Tmin, max_value=Tmax };     typedef BoundedValue<value_type, min_value, max_value> SelfType;      // runtime checking constructor:     explicit BoundedValue(T runtime_value) : val_(runtime_value) {         BOUNDED_VALUE_ASSERT(min_value, max_value, runtime_value);     }     // compile-time checked constructors:     BoundedValue(SelfType const& other) : val_(other) {}     BoundedValue(SelfType &&other) : val_(other) {}      template <typename otherT, int otherTmin, int otherTmax>     BoundedValue(BoundedValue<otherT, otherTmin, otherTmax> const &other)         : val_(other) // will just fail if T, otherT not convertible     {         static_assert(otherTmin >= Tmin,                       "conversion disallowed from BoundedValue with lower min");         static_assert(otherTmax <= Tmax,                       "conversion disallowed from BoundedValue with higher max");     }      // compile-time checked assignments:     BoundedValue& operator= (SelfType const& other) { val_ = other.val_; return *this; }      template <typename otherT, int otherTmin, int otherTmax>     BoundedValue& operator= (BoundedValue<otherT, otherTmin, otherTmax> const &other) {         static_assert(otherTmin >= Tmin,                       "conversion disallowed from BoundedValue with lower min");         static_assert(otherTmax <= Tmax,                       "conversion disallowed from BoundedValue with higher max");         val_ = other; // will just fail if T, otherT not convertible         return *this;     }     // run-time checked assignment:     BoundedValue& operator= (T const& val) {         BOUNDED_VALUE_ASSERT(min_value, max_value, val);         val_ = val;         return *this;     }      operator T const& () const { return val_; } private:     value_type val_; }; 

Cast Support

template <typename dstT, int dstMin, int dstMax> struct BoundedCastHelper {     typedef BoundedValue<dstT, dstMin, dstMax> return_type;      // conversion is checked statically, and always succeeds     template <typename srcT, int srcMin, int srcMax>     static return_type convert(BoundedValue<srcT, srcMin, srcMax> const& source)     {         return return_type(source);     }      // conversion is checked dynamically, and could throw     template <typename srcT, int srcMin, int srcMax>     static return_type coerce(BoundedValue<srcT, srcMin, srcMax> const& source)     {         return return_type(static_cast<srcT>(source));     } };  template <typename dstT, int dstMin, int dstMax,           typename srcT, int srcMin, int srcMax> auto safe_bounded_cast(BoundedValue<srcT, srcMin, srcMax> const& source)     -> BoundedValue<dstT, dstMin, dstMax> {     return BoundedCastHelper<dstT, dstMin, dstMax>::convert(source); }  template <typename dstT, int dstMin, int dstMax,           typename srcT, int srcMin, int srcMax> auto unsafe_bounded_cast(BoundedValue<srcT, srcMin, srcMax> const& source)     -> BoundedValue<dstT, dstMin, dstMax> {     return BoundedCastHelper<dstT, dstMin, dstMax>::coerce(source); } 
like image 63
Useless Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
