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limit number of thread in ThreadPool while creating TransportClient in elasticsearch

I'm creating a TransportClient instance in elasticsearch. Below is the code for the same. The issue is I'm trying to lower the number of threads spawned with the threadpool that TransportClient initiates. But what ever settings I use my elasticsearch always initialing the threadpool with 12 threads. Please let me know how to configure the same to get the desirable threads.

public static TransportClient getTransportClient(String ip, int port) {

    ImmutableSettings.Builder settings = ImmutableSettings
    settings.put("cluster.name", "elasticsearch");
    settings.put("threadpool.bulk.type",  "fixed");
    settings.put("threadpool.bulk.size" ,5);
    settings.put("threadpool.bulk.queue_size", 5);
    settings.put("threadpool.index.type" , "fixed");
    settings.put("threadpool.index.size" , 5);
    settings.put("threadpool.index.queue_size" , 10);
    settings.put("threadpool.search.type",  "fixed");
    settings.put("threadpool.search.size" ,5);
    settings.put("threadpool.search.queue_size", 5);


    TransportClient instance = new TransportClient(settings)
            .addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(ip, port));

    return instance;
like image 873
bagui Avatar asked Jan 14 '15 01:01


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You can use multi thread, this is exactly why elasticsearch is good for: parallelism. An elasticsearch index, is composed of shards, this is the physical storage of your data. Shards can be on the same node or not (better).

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1 Answers


Settings settings = ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder()

Credit to JanuZ, taken from http://www.lucidelectricdreams.com/2013/11/reducing-number-of-threads-created-by.html

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dux2 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10
