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Limit argument to specific values in python



If I have python function with a string argument which needs to be in a specific list of values, what's the best way to handle this? Is there a convention to expressing this in the docstrings or anything?


def makeShape(shape):
   assert shape in ["circle", "square", "triangle"]

Is there a nicer way to express that shape should always be one of those three values?

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ninhenzo64 Avatar asked Mar 15 '14 00:03


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1 Answers

If this is a genuine error, you should raise an exception. I think TypeError would be a reasonable choice, but you may want to define your own.

assert statements are for development. Note that they are ignored when the -O argument is used, so they should not be relied upon to catch errors.

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jrennie Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
