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Likelihood ratio test in Python

I am having trouble computing a likelihood ratio test in Python 2.7.

I have two models and the corresponding likelihood values. I believe the rule for comparing whether model L2 is better than model L1 (if the models are closely related) is to look at -2 * log(L2/L1).

I then want to find the p-value for corresponding to -2 * log(L2/L1) and relate this to the significance for L2 is preferred to L1. Here is what I have so far:

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import chisqprob

L1 = 467400. # log(likelihood) of my 1st fit
L2 = 467414. # log(likelihood) of my 2nd fit

LR = -2. * np.log(L2 / L1) # LR = -5.9905e-05

p = chisqprob(LR, 1) # L2 has 1 DoF more than L1

print 'p: %.30f' % p # p = 1.000000000000000000000000000000

five_sigma = 1 - scipy.special.erf(5 / np.sqrt(2.))                  :-)
print '5 sigma: %.30f' % five_sigma

five_sigma_check = 1 - 0.999999426696856                             :-(
print 'Check  : %.30f' % five_sigma_check

However, I run into two issues:

  • My p-value is coming out to be 1 when I'd have expected it to be close to 0.
  • When I use the formula on the line marked with the :-) to find five sigma, for example, it differs from the value quoted in the literature - that line is highlighted with a :-(. My value for five_sigma_check is taken from here.

Can anyone offer any advice, please? I'm relatively new to the world of Python and statistics.


like image 595
Sean Mooney Avatar asked Jul 07 '16 14:07

Sean Mooney

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2 Answers

To calculate the likelihood ratio given the log-likelihoods, use this formula:

from scipy.stats.distributions import chi2
def likelihood_ratio(llmin, llmax):

LR = likelihood_ratio(L1,L2)

p = chi2.sf(LR, 1) # L2 has 1 DoF more than L1

print 'p: %.30f' % p 

# p: 0.000000121315450836607258011741
like image 163
C_Z_ Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10


Adding a little bit theory, so that it will be helpful for someone to understand:

enter image description here

Here we have two models (assuming nested) and we want to compare the effectiveness of the models in terms of explaining the data. From the above figure, let's now implement the LR test with python 3:

from scipy.stats import chi2 
ll_0, ll_1 = 467400, 467414 # given, the log-likelihoods of the nested models m_0, m_1
# log likelihood for m_0 (H_0) must be <= log likelihood of m_1 (H_1)
Λ = -2 * (ll_0 - ll_1)
# 28.0
df = 1 # given the difference in dof
# compute the p-value
pvalue = 1 - chi2(df).cdf(Λ) # since Λ follows χ2
# 1.2131545083660726e-07

We can plot and clearly see that we can reject the NULL hypothesis in favor of model m1, at α=0.05.

α, df = 0.05, 1
x = np.linspace(0, 30, 1000)
plt.plot(x, chi2(df).pdf(x), label='χ2')
plt.axvline(chi2(df).ppf(1-α), color='red', label='α=0.05')
plt.scatter(Λ, 0, color='green', s=50, label='Λ')
plt.title('χ2({}) distribution'.format(df), size=20)

enter image description here

like image 2
Sandipan Dey Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 05:10

Sandipan Dey