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Lightweight CMS in PHP [closed]

I am building a site which will require some very limited content management for a client. There are only a few areas of the site which will require the client to be able to update the content themselves.

Would it be better to create a very simple custom admin page for the client to log in and say add a news story etc or would it be best using a fully fledged CMS like Drupal etc which seems overkill to me.

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Andrew Avatar asked May 11 '10 08:05


2 Answers

Wordpress, Seriously :)

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Ololo Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09


If you've got what it takes then I advise you to have a go at creating a simple admin for maintaining the content.

This way you'll have full control and flexibility without trying to tame a kitchen sink CMS to do simple tricks for you.

And you will gain invaluable practical knowledge about how these systems work.

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zaf Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 20:09
