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Lexicographic minimum permutation such that all adjacent letters are distinct

It's a bonus school task for which we didn't receive any teaching yet and I'm not looking for a complete code, but some tips to get going would be pretty cool. Going to post what I've done so far in Java when I get home, but here's something I've done already.

So, we have to do a sorting algorithm, which for example sorts "AAABBB" to the ABABAB. Max input size is 10^6, and it all has to happen under 1 second. If there's more than one answer, the first one in alphabetical order is the right one. I started to test different algorithms to even sort them without that alphabetical order requirement in mind, just to see how the things work out.

First version:

Save the ascii codes to the Integer array where index is the ascii code, and the value is amount which that character occurs in the char array. Then I picked 2 highest numbers, and started to spam them to the new character array after each other, until some number was higher, and I swapped to it. It worked well, but of course the order wasn't right.

Second version:

Followed the same idea, but stopped picking the most occurring number and just picked the indexes in the order they were in my array. Works well until the input is something like CBAYYY. Algorithm sorts it to the ABCYYY instead of AYBYCY. Of course I could try to find some free spots for those Y's, but at that point it starts to take too long.

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JjyKs Avatar asked Sep 04 '14 08:09


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1 Answers

An interesting problem, with an interesting tweak. Yes, this is a permutation or rearranging rather than a sort. No, the quoted question is not a duplicate.


  1. Count the character frequencies.
  2. Output alternating characters from the two lowest in alphabetical order.
  3. As each is exhausted, move to the next.
  4. At some point the highest frequency char will be exactly half the remaining chars. At that point switch to outputting all of that char alternating in turn with the other remaining chars in alphabetical order.

Some care required to avoid off-by-one errors (odd vs even number of input characters). Otherwise, just writing the code and getting it to work right is the challenge.

Note that there is one special case, where the number of characters is odd and the frequency of one character starts at (half plus 1). In this case you need to start with step 4 in the algorithm, outputting all one character alternating with each of the others in turn.

Note also that if one character comprises more than half the input then apart for this special case, no solution is possible. This situation may be detected in advance by inspecting the frequencies, or during execution when the tail consists of all one character. Detecting this case was not part of the spec.

Since no sort is required the complexity is O(n). Each character is examined twice: once when it is counted and once when it is added to the output. Everything else is amortised.

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david.pfx Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10
