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LESSCSS - use calculation and return value

H i,

Hoping you can help.

Is there a way for LESS to return just a value - feel like I'm missing something very obvious

Say I have:


Can I use something to give me a shorthand return for -

.someClass {  padding: ~'@{basevalue}@{unit}'; }

Like say:

.returnUnit() { ~'@{basevalue}@{unit}'; }

.someClass {  padding: returnUnit(); }

because what I'm ultimately hoping for is:

.returnUnit(@val) { @basevalue*@val@{unit}; }
.someClass {  padding:returnUnit(0.5); }

Using a mixing I have to define the style property, however the value of this return function would be used for many different css properties.

Hope I made sense and I am just lacking deeper rtfm.

Many Thanks if you can.

Update as @Chococrocs pointer to the docs, thanks.

.average(@x, @y) {
  @average: ((@x + @y) / 2);

div {
  .average(16px, 50px); // "call" the mixin
  padding: @average;    // use its "return" value
  • Looks like what I need ? - just seeing if I can always tag on the unit variable to it....

Update: That gets part way ...

.unitRelative(@val) {
  @value : @basevalue*@val;
  @relative: ~'@{value}@{unit}';
/* usage */

 .someClass { 
  padding: @relative;

But not when

.someClass {

Is there another way ?

like image 640
Rob Sedgwick Avatar asked Apr 01 '14 18:04

Rob Sedgwick

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2 Answers

There is a hack that is mentioned here by fabienevain using a global js function. Seems to be good option if you want a function with actual return value.

@fn: ~`fn = function(a) { return a; }`;

@arg: 8px;

p {
    font-size: ~`fn("@{arg}")`;
like image 189
xangxiong Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


LESS has no way as of yet to create a true "function," so we cope with it.


You can just use the unit function, like so:


.someClass {  padding: unit(@basevalue, @unit); }
.someOtherClass {  padding: unit(@basevalue*0.5, @unit); }


.someClass {
  padding: 1em;
.someOtherClass {
  padding: 0.5em;


The mixins as functions is okay in some situations, but as you discovered, has the limitation of only setting the value once on the first call (and that is assuming a variable of the same name does not exist in that scope already).

LESS (first works right, second doesn't)

.returnUnit(@val:1) { 
    @return: unit(@basevalue*@val, @unit); 

.someThirdClass { 
  padding: @return;
.someOoopsClass { 
  padding: @return; 
  margin: @return;

CSS Output

.someThirdClass {
  padding: 0.4em;
.someOoopsClass {
  padding: 0.4em;
  margin: 0.4em; /* Ooops! Not 0.3em! */


Limitation of the Second idea can be avoided by a second wrapping, as it isolates the scope for each variable returned by .returnUnit(), like so:


.someAccurateClass { 
    & {
        padding: @return;
    & { 
        margin: @return;

CSS Output

.someAccurateClass {
  padding: 0.4em;
  margin: 0.3em; /* Yes! */


It may be better to merge ideas from the First and Third by adding some global variables and doing this:


@val: 1;
@setUnit: unit(@basevalue*@val, @unit);

.someAwesomeClass { 
    & {
        @val: .2; 
        padding: @setUnit;
    & {
        @val: .1; 
        margin: @setUnit;

CSS Output

.someAwesomeClass {
  padding: 0.2em;
  margin: 0.1em;

So here we are using the unit function still as the First idea, but have assigned it to the variable @setUnit, so each time the variable is called, it runs the function. We still isolate our property blocks using the & {} syntax like in the Third solution, but now we just set the @val to what we want and call the @setUnit where we want.

like image 35
ScottS Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
