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LESS CSS nesting classes





I'm using LESS to improve my CSS and am trying to nest a class within a class. There's a fairly complicated hierarchy but for some reason my nesting doesn't work. I have this:

.g {
    float: left;
    color: #323a13;
    .gradient(#afc945, #c8da64);
    span {
    .posted {
         span {
            border: none;

I can't get the .g.posted to work. it just shows the .g bit. If i do this it's fine:

.g {
    float: left;
    color: #323a13;
    .gradient(#afc945, #c8da64);
    span {

.g.posted {
         span {
            border: none;

I'd like to nest the .posted in .g though. Any ideas?

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newbie_86 Avatar asked Feb 25 '11 12:02


People also ask

What is the role of nesting in LESS programming?

We can very easily define nested rules in LESS. Nested rules are defined as a set of CSS properties that allow the properties of one class to be used for another class and contain the class name as its property. In LESS, you can use class or ID selectors to declare mixin in the same way as CSS styles.

Does CSS support nesting of classes?

When we use a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less, we can nest a CSS style rule within another rule to write clean and understandable code. This nesting rule is not supported yet in native CSS. At the moment, it is a working draft and only available for discussion.

Is nested class a good practice?

Nested Class can be used whenever you want to create more than once instance of the class or whenever you want to make that type more available. Nested Class increases the encapsulations as well as it will lead to more readable and maintainable code.

How do I style a nested class in CSS?

To be nest-prefixed , a nesting selector must be the first simple selector in the first compound selector of the selector. If the selector is a list of selectors, every complex selector in the list must be nest-prefixed for the selector as a whole to be nest-prefixed.

3 Answers

The & character has the function of a this keyword, actually (a thing I did not know at the moment of writing the answer). It is possible to write:

.class1 {
    &.class2 {}

and the CSS that will be generated will look like this:

.class1.class2 {}

For the record, @grobitto was the first to post this piece of information.


LESS doesn't work this way.

.class1.class2 {} - defines two classes on the same DOM node, but

.class1 {
    .class2 {}

defines nested nodes. .class2 will only be applied if it is a child of a node with the class class1.

I've been confused with this too and my conclusion is that LESS needs a this keyword :).

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mingos Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


.g {
    &.posted {

you should add "&" before .posted

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grobitto Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10


If the ampersand is located right next to the child element in nesting, it is compiled into a double class selector. If there is space between & and selector it will be compiled into child selector. Read more about nesting in Less here.

like image 43
Nesha Zoric Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Nesha Zoric