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left join table on itself sql

I have a simple sql question here, I see some queries like this:

    users.id, users.username, users.password
    users AS User
        LEFT JOIN
    users AS User0 ON ...
        LEFT JOIN
    users AS User1 ON ...
        LEFT JOIN
    users AS User2 ON ...

In which, as you can see above, the same table users is being left-joined 3 times. My question is this, why would somebody wanna join a table on itself? What exactly is the purpose of doing something like that?

Please give me the best explanation with clear examples if possible

Thank you

like image 874
user765368 Avatar asked Feb 17 '23 11:02


1 Answers

This is normally done when you have a hierarchy.

Say a table of employees where each employee has a manager - the manager is signified with a ManagerId field that is the managers' employee ID.

If you want to see each employee, their manager, the managers' manager etc, self joins would be the way to write the query.

like image 129
Oded Avatar answered Feb 20 '23 11:02
