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Left floated element and unordered lists (ul) [duplicate]




I have an (XHTML Strict) page where I float an image alongside regular paragraphs of text. All goes well, except when a list is used instead of paragraphs. The bullets of the list overlap the floated image.

Changing the margin of the list or the list items does not help. The margin is calculated from the left of the page, but the float pushes the list items to the right inside the li itself. So the margin only helps if I make it wider than the image.

Floating the list next to the image also works, but I don't know when the list is next to a float. I don't want to float every list in my content just to fix this. Also, floating left messes up the layout when an image is floated to the right instead of left of the list.

Setting li { list-style-position: inside } does move the bullets along with the content, but it also causes lines that wrap to start aligned with the bullet, instead of aligned with the line above.

The problem is obviously caused by the bullet being rendered outside the box, the float pushing the contents of the box to the right (not the box itself). This is how IE and FF handle the situation, and as far as I know, not wrong according to the spec. The question is, how can I prevent it?

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Kamiel Wanrooij Avatar asked Apr 02 '09 15:04

Kamiel Wanrooij

People also ask

What is an unordered list UL?

The UL element defines an unordered list. The element contains one or more LI elements that define the actual items of the list. Unlike with an ordered list (OL), the items of an unordered list have no sequence.

4 Answers

I have found a solution to this problem. Applying an ul { overflow: hidden; } to the ul ensures that the box itself is pushed aside by the float, instead of the contents of the box.

Only IE6 needs an ul { zoom: 1; } in our conditional comments to make sure the ul has layout.

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Kamiel Wanrooij Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11

Kamiel Wanrooij

Adding an improvement to Glen E. Ivey's solution:

ul {
    list-style: outside disc;
    margin-left: 1em;
ul li {
    position: relative;
    left: 1em;
    padding-right: 1em;    


I prefer this technique, since it works when the list needs to flow around the floating image, while the overflow: hidden technique will not. However, it's also necessary to add padding-right: 1em to the li to keep them from overflowing their container.

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Blazemonger Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 23:11


This is where the "display" property comes into its own. Set the CSS below to make the list work alongside the floated content.

display: table; works alongside floated content (filling the gap) but without hiding content behind it. Much like a table does :-)

.img {
  float: left;

.table {
  display: table;
<img class="img" src="https://via.placeholder.com/350x350" alt="">
  <li>Test content</li>
  <li>Test content</li>
  <li>Test content</li>
<ul class="table">
  <li>Test content</li>
  <li>Test content</li>
  <li>Test content</li>

EDIT: Remember to add a class to isolate which lists you wish to do this for. E.g. "ul.in-content" or more generally ".content ul"

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martinedwards Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 21:11


Try list-style-position: inside to change the layout of the bullets.

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annakata Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 22:11
