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Leaving a project in Firebase but doesn't have the ownership for the project



I need to leave a project in Firebase and I have no option for to leave the project because I don't have the ownership of the project. I am a member in that project and need to leave that project, as its development has been stopped several months before

Is there any option to do that? I also need to delete it from Google Developer Console.

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Balaji Ravichandran Avatar asked Nov 03 '16 09:11

Balaji Ravichandran

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1 Answers

This is not possible right now.

You cannot remove yourself from the Firebase project, because you also cannot remove yourself from the Google Cloud project.

Google was made aware that people need this in 2011 (sic!) but until now did not add this feature. There is a Change.org petition now which will hopefully get enough developers to sign.

So if you really need this: sign the petition, click the star in Google's issue tracker and pray.

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Markus Penguin Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Markus Penguin