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Learning multiple languages [closed]

Once you learn one language does it become easier to learn a second and are there pairs of languages that go together? Also is it even a good idea to learn more then one language?

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mtwisterr Avatar asked Mar 31 '10 03:03


People also ask

Is it OK to learn multiple languages at once?

So in short, there is absolutely no real reason not to learn a third language after your second. While there are fewer studies on the subject of further language acquisition after the third, the likelihood is that there is no harm in that either. We know that being multilingual can be hugely beneficial.

Can a person learn 3 languages at once?

There are two ways of studying multiple languages. One way is sequentially and the other is simultaneously. The methods are right in the names. Doing multiple languages at the same time (simultaneously) saves time because, in a way, you're multitasking.

Is it possible to learn 4 languages at once?

Yes, it is possible to learn many languages at once! There are many methods you can use to learn more than one language at once. Here are some of my best recommendations. As for the these tips, you can try some or all – ultimately it's about finding the technique that works for you!

Can you learn 6 languages at once?

It all depends on your desires, motivation, and productivity. For an individual, it might be difficult to learn three languages. Whereas on the other hand maybe someone can easily learn six languages. Polyglots suggest that you learn two to three languages at the same time.

2 Answers

Learning more than one language is an excellent idea -- not only does that give you that much more flexibility in job hunting &c, but it simply broadens your mind, your vision of what programming is all about.

The second language is often the hardest one -- because your first language has done so much to shape your thinking and operating when programming. The very hardest case is when the two languages are superficially similar but have deep, subtle differences: it's truly hard to perceive, understand and learn the subtle differences, as the surface similarity blinds you.

If you master two languages that are far apart from each other, the third one will be easier... and it only gets easier and easier after that. A great pair of languages to start from is one very high level language (such as Ruby or Python) and one pretty low level one (especially C); however, a functional language such as Haskell, and one that's the very antithesis of functional such as Java, should also work, almost as well.

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Alex Martelli Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Alex Martelli

Repeating all of the above sentiment, I strongly support the notion of learning multiple languages, and gaining high proficiency in at least two very different languages. I do in fact think that knowing five languages superficially is beneficial, if it piques your curiosity to learn more, but you should still master more than one language "to the bone."

Here are some (non-exclusive) categories of languages that you may want to consider.

  • Compiled (C, C++, ...) / Interpreted (Perl, Ruby, Python, PHP,...) / JIT (Java)
  • High level / Low level
  • Object-Oriented / Procedural / Declarative / Functional
  • Established / Experimental
  • General / Special purpose / Domain specific
  • Strongly typed / Loosely typed

Understanding the trade-offs and philosophies behind these languages and their implementation will necessarily make you a better programmer. Sure, it may take time to experiment with all of them, and become proficient in some of them. But the experience is rewarding starting even at the first step, with immediate gratification and benefits, so you shouldn't despair by the plethora of choices.

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Eitan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11
