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lean() inside populate in mongoose

I am populating a user collection in mongoose and want to set a flag if the user is signed up using social accounts. So I am selecting that fields in populate. But due to security concerns I don't want to pass it in response. So I converted it into plain object using lean() and set the values as null. But once a values are set null for a particular user then it set that values null for that user_id. How set them null or how to hide them from response.

   .sort({time: -1})
     path: 'user_id',
     select: '_id name pic twitter_id fb_id',
     options: { lean: true}
   .exec(function(err, data) {

         var flag = 0
            async.eachSeries(data, function(v, callback1) {

              if(v.user_id.twitter_id || v.user_id.fb_id ){
                  v.user_id.fb_id =''
                   v.user_id.twitter_id =''
                      v.user_id.fb_id =''
                   v.user_id.twitter_id =''



        } else {


Thanks in advance

like image 619
Mariya James Avatar asked Aug 05 '15 07:08

Mariya James

1 Answers

Here it is.

  .sort({time: -1})
    path: 'user_id',
    select: '_id name pic twitter_id fb_id',
    options: { lean: true}
  .lean().exec(function(err, pins) {

    pins = _.map(pins,function(pin) {

      //Setting the flag for social account
      pin.socialaccount = (pin.user_id.twitter_id || pin.user_id.fb_id );

      //Omitting the twitter_id and fb_id fields from user_id object
      pin.user_id.twitter_id = undefined;
      pin.user_id.fb_id = undefined;
      return pin;

   return res.send(pins);


I have mapped the pins collection from the find query such that you can set your socialaccount flag and can set the properties not required to undefined

However i am not sure if you can use _.omit(pin.user_id,'twitter_id') instead of pin.user_id.twitter_id = undefined.Need to test that !

The result pins collection will now have other user properties you wanted. Hope it helps :)

like image 121
akki_2891 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11
