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Leaflet popup with dynamic content not centered over marker

I am trying to create a leaflet popup with dynamic content, it works but the popup bubble is not aligned with the marker.

Here is a screenshot, its clear that the popup bubble is not centered over the marker. enter image description here

Here is the code

var map = L.map('map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13);

L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        maxZoom: 18,
        id: 'examples.map-i875mjb7'

m = L.marker([51.5, -0.09]).addTo(map);
m.bindPopup("<b>Hello world!</b><br />I am a popup<span id='a'></span>", {maxWidth: "none"})


Also here is a minimal jsfiddle example that describes the problem: http://jsfiddle.net/nk93shkt/

How do I fix this?

like image 641
Cathal Coffey Avatar asked Sep 25 '14 21:09

Cathal Coffey

2 Answers

It looks like leaflet is determining the width of the infobox when it renders it. You're adding text after it's been displayed so leaflet no longer knows its actual size, and thus cannot center it properly.

Try the setPopupContent() method from the documentation in this slightly long-winded example:

m = L.marker([51.5, -0.09]).addTo(map);
m.bindPopup("<b>Hello world!</b><br />I am a popup<span></span>", {maxWidth: "none"})
var a = m.getPopup();
var b = a._content.replace("<span></span>","<span>asdasdasda</span>");


like image 126
greener Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 09:10


Just in case this is an issue for anyone without dynamic content; the issue of an offset popup for any customised icons can be explored in this documentation


var greenIcon = L.icon({
    iconUrl: 'leaf-green.png',
    shadowUrl: 'leaf-shadow.png',

    iconSize:     [38, 95], // size of the icon
    shadowSize:   [50, 64], // size of the shadow
    iconAnchor:   [22, 94], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location
    shadowAnchor: [4, 62],  // the same for the shadow
    popupAnchor:  [-3, -76] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor

From the example and edit the popupAnchor: value to fit your specific zoning requirements

like image 34
Martin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 10:10
