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Leaflet Draw not taking properties when converting FeatureGroup to GeoJson

I'm unable to convert my Layer properties into the properties of the GEOJson object using Leaflet(0.7.7)/Leaflet.Draw(latest). My workflow is:

1 Create Map: var map = L.map('#map', options);

2 Create a FeatureGroup: features= new L.FeatureGroup();

3 Add to the Leaflet Map: map.addLayer(features);

4 On the draw:created event, I'm capturing e.layer and adding a bunch of properties:

var layer = e.layer;

layer.properties = { Title: 'Hello' };


geo_features = features.toGeoJSON();

However, my geo_features always have empty property attributes in each of the features and I can't figure it out!

like image 559
Chronix3 Avatar asked Mar 02 '16 23:03


2 Answers

iH8's initial answer was almost correct.

To specify properties that will appear in a vector layer's GeoJSON export (i.e. through its .toGeoJSON() method), you have to fill its feature.type and feature.properties members:

var myVectorLayer = L.rectangle(...) // whatever

var feature = myVectorLayer.feature = myVectorLayer.feature || {};
feature.type = "Feature";
feature.properties = feature.properties || {};
feature.properties["Foo"] = "Bar";

Now myVectorLayer.toGeoJSON() returns a valid GeoJSON feature object represented by:

  "type": "Feature",
  "properties": {
    "Foo": "Bar"
    // More properties that may be pre-filled.
  "geometry": // The vector geometry
like image 121
ghybs Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 04:01


A (kind of ugly workaround) is using a L.GeoJSON layer and add the drawn layer's GeoJSON to it by using it's addData method. Afterwards grab the last layer in the L.GeoJSON layer's _layers object. At that point the layer has a valid GeoJSON feature property you can edit:

var geojson = new L.GeoJSON().addTo(map);

var drawControl = new L.Control.Draw({
    edit: {
        featureGroup: geojson

map.on('draw:created', function (e) {


    var layers = geojson._layers,
        keys = Object.keys(layers),
        key = keys[keys.length - 1],
        layer = layers[key];

    layer.feature.properties = {
        'Foo': 'Bar'
like image 36
iH8 Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 05:01
