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ldap3 python add user to group

I'm writing a small script using python-ldap3 to generate dummy users and groups.

I'm having trouble linking a user with a group. After running this snippet there are no changes in my Active Directory server:

conn.modify('cn=dancing,ou=test-groups,dc=stand,dc=lsd', {'memberuid': [(MODIFY_REPLACE, ['cn=User1, ou=users,dc=stand,dc=lsd'])]})

What's wrong?

like image 803
Anton Bezkrovnyy Avatar asked Jun 17 '17 21:06

Anton Bezkrovnyy

1 Answers

Use ldap3.extend.microsoft.addMembersToGroups

from ldap3.extend.microsoft.addMembersToGroups import ad_add_members_to_groups as addUsersInGroups


addUsersInGroups(conn, user_dn, group_dn)

Full script:

from ldap3 import Server, Connection, ALL, NTLM
from elizabeth import Personal, Address,Text
from ldap3.extend.microsoft.addMembersToGroups import ad_add_members_to_groups as addUsersInGroups
import random

usersOU = 'ou=test-ou,dc=stand,dc=local'
groupsOU = 'ou=test-groups,dc=stand,dc=local'

usersDnList = []
groupsDnList = []

server = Server(serverName, get_info=ALL)
conn = Connection(server, user=connUser, password=connUserPwd, authentication=NTLM)
conn.bind() #must be TRUE

conn.add(usersOU, 'organizationalUnit') # add test-ou for users
conn.add(groupsOU, 'organizationalUnit') # add test-ou for groups

data = Text('en')
for _ in range(0,10):
    currentGroup = 'cn='+data.word()+',ou=test-groups,dc=stand,dc=local'
    conn.add(currentGroup, 'group')

address = Address('en')
person = Personal('en')
for _ in range(0,10):
    address_country = address.country()
    conn.add('ou='+address_country+',ou=test-ou,dc=stand,dc=local', 'organizationalUnit')
    for _ in range (0,10):
        name = person.name(gender='male')
        surname = person.surname(gender='male')
        currentUser = 'cn='+name+'.'+surname+','+'ou='+address_country+',ou=test-ou,dc=stand,dc=local'
        conn.add(currentUser, 'User',
        {'givenName': name,
        'sn': surname,
        'departmentNumber': 'DEV',
        'telephoneNumber': 1111})

for _ in range(0,300):
    rndUser = random.choice(usersDnList)
    rndGroup = random.choice(groupsDnList)
    addUsersInGroups(conn, rndUser, rndGroup)
like image 174
Anton Bezkrovnyy Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 05:11

Anton Bezkrovnyy