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LDAP Active Directory path

I am trying to add a user to Active Directory through an MPS Web Service. I've been trying a long time to find the correct LDAP-url to use to tell it to add the new user to the Users group. I've tried things like:


It seems the "farthest" I've gotten is an error that says I have given it an invalid Customer.

I really don't have a lot of experience with LDAP (pretty much none at all), so even just a good LDAP and Active Directory tutorial would be extremely useful (even that is eluding me right now). Thanks!

I've since lookup up the actual distinguished name in ADSI Edit, which was LDAP://XXXX.YYY/CN=Users,DC=XXXX,DC=YYY, but still have no luck.

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Markus O'Reilly Avatar asked Nov 18 '09 00:11

Markus O'Reilly

People also ask

Where is the Active Directory LDAP path?

Select Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. In the Active Directory Users and Computers tree, find and select your domain name. Expand the tree to find the path through your Active Directory hierarchy.

Is LDAP an Active Directory?

LDAP is a way of speaking to Active Directory. LDAP is a protocol that many different directory services and access management solutions can understand. The relationship between AD and LDAP is much like the relationship between Apache and HTTP: HTTP is a web protocol.

3 Answers

You have error in your LDAP string. Let's have examle: user with account name User1 in organization unit Office1 where contoso.com is domain.



LDAP Path is:


Note that there is no slash in path itself

  • CN = Common Name
  • OU = Organizational Unit
  • DC = Domain Component
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Laky Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10


You can start with:

  • LDAP Query Basics
  • Creating a list of Users and their e-mail addresses in Exchange 2000
  • How Can I Get a List of All the Users Whose Passwords Never Expire?
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Rubens Farias Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

Rubens Farias

if your domain is xxxx.yyyy.zzzz and you are search for all users; your path is:
means every dot in domain replace with dc=

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Ali Rasouli Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10

Ali Rasouli