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LazyLoad images not appearing until after a scroll

I'm using the lazyload plugin for jQuery.

It's working fine, except one issue: The images src is not being swapped out for the data-original until you scroll. Once you scroll, even a tad, the images load - but I need them to load right when the page is ready.

A note: This is purely a Chrome/Safari Issue. I am not having this issue in Firefox or Opera, or even IE9.

I've tried following the suggestion of this post: http://sumanrs.wordpress.com/2011/02/08/jquery-lazy-loading-images-no-scrolling/ Which states that the basic jQuery library has the capabilities of lazy loading without a plugin needed. This seemed not to be so, as the images just all loaded on initial page load.

Any insights are greatly appreciated!

like image 681
user1380540 Avatar asked Nov 23 '12 20:11


People also ask

Why images are lazy load?

Why go for lazy loading images at all? Lazy Loading defers the loading of an image that is not needed on the page immediately. An image, not visible to the user when the page loads, is loaded later when the user scrolls and the image actually becomes visible.

Can you lazy load background images?

IMG tags can leverage native browser lazy loading, which doesn't require any JavaScript. You can still lazy load background images if they're in HTML as an inline style. Plugins like FlyingPress automatically detect and lazy load them.

How do you test for lazy loading images?

If you want to test the execution of lazy loading, I can recommend that you clear your browser's cache and try reloading. In Chrome's Developer Console (F12), you can tweak the speeds and simulate modem speeds. Hit F12 -> Network tab -> Change the "No throttling" dropdown . Choose a slower speed to experiment.

1 Answers

Your images most likely do not have width and height set. Webkit browsers will see images on document.ready with zero width and height. This means jQuery will consider the images invisible. Lazy Load ignores invisible images by default. You have three options.

  1. Fix HTML to have width and height attributes on images.
  2. Set skip_invisible to false.
  3. Use atleast version 1.8.3 of the plugin.
like image 87
Mika Tuupola Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09

Mika Tuupola