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Lazy Load VS infinite scrolling

I thought Lazy Loading and infinite scrolling are same things, But today I heard that these are two different things. Is that true?

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progfa Avatar asked Feb 10 '14 11:02


People also ask

Is lazy loading the same as infinite scroll?

Infinite scroll uses lazy loading and executes its demand to load more data (products or content) at the bottom of the page, without requiring an action such as the click of a button. On-demand loading is used to optimize content delivery by reducing time consumption and memory usage.

Is infinite scrolling better?

Infinite scroll is better suited for the exploration of content, where users are browsing aimlessly for something interesting. Infinite scroll is also very effective on mobile devices.

Which is better lazy loading or pagination?

Pagination offers limited engagement to the user so that they can find a particular item immediately. On the other hand, lazy loading provides more interaction to the user, and they tend to spend more time on their first visit.

Why you shouldn't use infinite scroll?

If you're using infinite scrolling on a long page, you're constantly loading more and more content into memory. This will have a negative impact on page performance, since the browser has much more work to do in order to render the page.

1 Answers

Infinite Scrolling is one of the methodology by which we can achieve Lazy Loading.

Lazy loading means the request for the resource or records will be made only when they are demanded.

In case of Infnite Scrolling ,the request for the next set of records will be made only when scroll bar reaches bottom of th grid and fires request to load the next set of records.

So,well you can consider Infinite Scrolling is the technique by which Lazy loading is achieved.

Note: Infinite scrolling is not only the way to achieve Lazy Loading. there are many other ways of achieveing it. For ex: Demand Paging

Hope this helps..Thanks

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Sai Avinash Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

Sai Avinash