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Lazy evaluations of numpy.einsum to avoid storing intermediate large dimensional arrays in memory

Imagine that I have integers, n,q and vectors/arrays with these dimensions:

import numpy as np
n = 100
q = 102
A = np.random.normal(size=(n,n))
B = np.random.normal(size=(q, ))

C = np.einsum("i, jk -> ijk", B, A)
D = np.einsum('ijk, ikj -> k', C, C)

which is working fine if all intermediate arrays fit in memory.

Now assume that I can store in memory arrays of size (n,n), (q,n) but not any three dimensional arrays such as with shape (n,n,q). I cannot store in memory array C above. Instead, to compute D,

D1 = np.einsum('i, jk, i, kj -> k', B, A, B, A, optimize='optimal')

works fine and np.einsum is typically smart enough to find a einsum_path so that no 3d array is ever constructed. Great!

Now let's complicate things slightly:

C = np.einsum("i, jk -> ijk", B, A)    # as before

Y2 = np.random.normal(size=(n, ))
Z2 = np.random.normal(size=(q, n))
C2 = np.einsum("j, ik -> ijk", Y2, Z2)

E = np.einsum('ijk, ikj -> k', C+C2, C+C2)

Here I cannot find a reasonable way (reasonable, as in short/readable code) to construct E without constructing intermediate 3d arrays such as C and C2.


  1. is there a np.einsum one liner that would construct E, without constructing the intermediate 3d arrays C and C2?
    The following appears to work by expanding into four terms, but is rather impractical compared to the hypothetical API in question 2...
E_CC   = np.einsum('i, jk, i, kj -> k', B,  A,  B,  A, optimize='optimal') # as D before
E_C2C2 = np.einsum('j, ik, k, ij -> k', Y2, Z2, Y2, Z2, optimize='optimal')
E_CC2  = np.einsum('i, jk, k, ij -> k', B,  A,  Y2, Z2, optimize='optimal')
E_C2C  = np.einsum('j, ik, i, kj -> k', Y2, Z2, B,  A, optimize='optimal')

E_new  = E_CC + E_C2C2 + E_CC2 + E_C2C 
np.isclose(E_new, E) # all True!

  1. Is there a ''lazy'' version of np.einsum that would wait before the final call to find an optimal einsum_path throughout the composition of several lazy einsum, including sums as in the above example? For instance, with an hypothetical einsum_lazy, the following would construct E without storing a 3d array (such as C or C2) in memory:
C = np.einsum_lazy("i, jk -> ijk", B, A)  # nothing has been computed yet!
C2 = np.einsum_lazy("j, ik -> ijk", Y2, Z2) # nothing has been computed yet!
E = np.einsum('ijk, ikj -> k', C+C2, C+C2)  # expand the sums and uses optimal einsum_path to compute E 
like image 864
jlewk Avatar asked May 01 '20 02:05


People also ask

What does Numpy einsum do?

einsum. Evaluates the Einstein summation convention on the operands. Using the Einstein summation convention, many common multi-dimensional, linear algebraic array operations can be represented in a simple fashion.

Is Numpy einsum fast?

einsum is clearly faster. Actually, twice as fast as numpy's built-in functions and, well, 6 times faster than loops, in this case.

1 Answers

This is a really fascinating question - as @s-m-e mentioned, numpy does not offer a lazy einsum computations, but it does offer a lower level function called np.einsum_path, which np.einsum uses to actually find the optimal contractions.

What if you did this:

C_path = np.einsum_path("i, jk -> ijk", B, A)[0]
C2_path = np.einsum_path("j, ik -> ijk", Y2, Z2)[0]
CC2_path = C_path + C2_path[1:]

And somehow used the path in a final computation? The biggest issue here is that you're summing C and C2, and elementwise addition is not currently supported by einsum, so it's hard to optimize that.

Take a look at @Eelco Hoogendoorn's response to a similar question: maybe breaking it up into smaller computations isn't such a bad idea :)

like image 141
v0rtex20k Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10
