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Lazy data-flow (spreadsheet like) properties with dependencies in Python

My problem is the following: I have some python classes that have properties that are derived from other properties; and those should be cached once they are calculated, and the cached results should be invalidated each time the base properties are changed.

I could do it manually, but it seems quite difficult to maintain if the number of properties grows. So I would like to have something like Makefile rules inside my objects to automatically keep track of what needs to be recalculated.

The desired syntax and behaviour should be something like that:

# this does dirty magic, like generating the reverse dependency graph,
# and preparing the setters that invalidate the cached values
class Test(object):

    def calc_a(self):
        return self.b + self.c

    def calc_c(self):
        return self.d * 2

    a = managed_property(calculate=calc_a, depends_on=('b', 'c'))
    b = managed_property(default=0)
    c = managed_property(calculate=calc_c, depends_on=('d',))
    d = managed_property(default=0)

t = Test()

print t.a
# a has not been initialized, so it calls calc_a
# gets b value
# c has not been initialized, so it calls calc_c
# c value is calculated and stored in t.__c
# a value is calculated and stored in t.__a

t.b = 1
# invalidates the calculated value stored in self.__a

print t.a
# a has been invalidated, so it calls calc_a
# gets b value
# gets c value, from t.__c
# a value is calculated and stored in t.__a

print t.a
# gets value from t.__a

t.d = 2
# invalidates the calculated values stored in t.__a and t.__c

So, is there something like this already available or should I start implementing my own? In the second case, suggestions are welcome :-)

like image 272
fortran Avatar asked Dec 01 '11 11:12


1 Answers

Here, this should do the trick. The descriptor mechanism (through which the language implements "property") is more than enough for what you want.

If the code bellow does not work in some corner cases, just write me.

class DependentProperty(object):
    def __init__(self, calculate=None, default=None, depends_on=()):
        # "name" and "dependence_tree" properties are attributes
        # set up by the metaclass of the owner class
        if calculate:
            self.calculate = calculate
            self.default = default
        self.depends_on = set(depends_on)

    def __get__(self, instance, owner):
        if hasattr(self, "default"):
            return self.default
        if not hasattr(instance, "_" + self.name):
            setattr(instance, "_" + self.name,
                self.calculate(instance, getattr(instance, "_" + self.name + "_last_value")))
        return getattr(instance, "_" + self.name)

    def __set__(self, instance, value):
        setattr(instance, "_" + self.name + "_last_value", value)
        setattr(instance, "_" + self.name, self.calculate(instance, value))
        for attr in self.dependence_tree[self.name]:
            delattr(instance, attr)

    def __delete__(self, instance):
            delattr(instance, "_" + self.name)
        except AttributeError:

def assemble_tree(name,  dict_, all_deps = None):
    if all_deps is None:
        all_deps = set()
    for dependance in dict_[name].depends_on:
        assemble_tree(dependance, dict_, all_deps)
    return all_deps

def invert_tree(tree):
    new_tree = {}
    for key, val in tree.items():
        for dependence in val:
            if dependence not in new_tree:
                new_tree[dependence] = set()
    return new_tree

class DependenceMeta(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict_):
        dependence_tree = {}
        properties = []
        for key, val in dict_.items():
            if not isinstance(val, DependentProperty):
            val.name = key
            val.dependence_tree = dependence_tree
            dependence_tree[key] = set()
        inverted_tree = {}
        for property in properties:
            inverted_tree[property.name] = assemble_tree(property.name, dict_)
        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict_)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example and visual test:

    class Bla:
        __metaclass__ = DependenceMeta

        def calc_b(self, x):
            print "Calculating b"
            return x + self.a

        def calc_c(self, x):
            print "Calculating c"
            return x + self.b

        a = DependentProperty(default=10)    
        b = DependentProperty(depends_on=("a",), calculate=calc_b)
        c = DependentProperty(depends_on=("b",), calculate=calc_c)

    bla = Bla()
    bla.b = 5
    bla.c = 10

    print bla.a, bla.b, bla.c
    bla.b = 10
    print bla.b
    print bla.c
like image 70
jsbueno Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
