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launch4j exe has nothing to say for itself, anyone got a suggestion?

Running on Linux, I've used launch4j to package an exe.

I copy the exe into my Windows 7 VM, and run it.

And nothing happens.

I run it with --l4j-debug, and nothing still happens (at least, if there's a log file, I cannot find it).

Is there some diagnostic technology that I'm missing here?

like image 206
bmargulies Avatar asked Jan 14 '10 22:01


1 Answers

Create a console version of your EXE (in the "Header" tab, change "Header type" from "GUI" to "Console") and run that from a CMD prompt.

Most likely you will see an exception message in the console, and that will explain why your app is failing to start.

like image 147
finnw Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 09:11
