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Launch powershell script with keyboard hotkey

I want to execute a powershell script (ps1-file) with a hotkey on my keyboard (CTRL + SHIFT + F for instance).

I managed to create a shortcut of the script (right click in explorer > new > shortcut). The shortcut's target is: "%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "PATH_TO_THE_SCRIPT" ".

When I execute the script manually (by double-clicking the shortcut), it works like a charm. But when I try to assign a "Shortcut key" in the Shortcut Properties (CTRL + SHIFT + F) and press the shortcut key I just defined, nothing happens. What's the matter?

I'm quite sure it has something to do with security policies. But I don't know what exactly it is.

This is my Execution-Policy:

Scope ExecutionPolicy
----- ---------------
MachinePolicy  Undefined
UserPolicy     Undefined
Process        RemoteSigned
CurrentUser    Unrestricted
LocalMachine   Unrestricted

Any help is appreciated.

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theRunner Avatar asked Sep 24 '16 14:09


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A great feature of the PowerShell ISE is that you can select one or more sections of code, press F8 and the highlighted section will run. You can also run a single line of code this way. You don't even need to select it all. If you press F8, then the ISE will run the line of code that contains your cursor.

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In File Explorer (or Windows Explorer), right-click the script file name and then select "Run with PowerShell". The "Run with PowerShell" feature starts a PowerShell session that has an execution policy of Bypass, runs the script, and closes the session.

1 Answers

That's it. As soon as I move the shortcut file to the desktop and redefine the "shortcut key", the shortcut key works!

Is there a particular reason, why the shortcut has to be on the desktop?

like image 94
theRunner Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
