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Launch Image not showing up in iOS application (using Images.xcassets)

I'm having some trouble getting my launch image to show up in my application.

I have created all the static image files in the Images.xcassets file in an asset set called "LaunchImage".

I noticed that my project also contains a LaunchScreen.xib file (which was automatically created by Xcode).

This .xib file appears when I run the application on my iPhone6 device. It doesn't appear in the simulator for iPhone4s (which makes sense, since xib launch screen is only for iOS 8 +).

I want to use the static images that I have created since they fall under the Apple Guidelines and go with my application. However, I haven't had any luck at getting it to show up.

I noticed under the project settings that there is a section called App Icons and Launch Images. I see how the .xib is connected by the Launch Screen File option I assume.

However, there is an option called Launch Image Sources. What does this do?

I found this: http://matthewpalmer.net/blog/2014/09/10/iphone-6-plus-launch-image-adaptive-mode/. However, it didn't explain anything about the Launch Image Source option.

There is a button next to the Launch Image Sources called "Use Asset Catalog". When I click it, it just says Migrate Launch Images to an asset catalog. Your existing launch images will be copied into a new image set. Choose an asset catalog to use: .

This is confusing to me because I've already created my asset catalog and I definitely don't want it to overwrite images.xcassets file. So, how do I link this to the Launch Images Asset Set that I already have created? Also what "existing launch images" is it referring to will be copied into a new image set?

Thank you!


So, I tried the migrate images option and chose to the new set option. This caused a new image set to be created which I deleted. However, the name left in the Launch Image Source was set to LaunchImage which somehow connected to the image set that contains my launch images. It did mess up my LaunchImage set -- the images were set to unassigned. I deleted them and dragged my files to the appropriate box in the LaunchImage asset set. However, when I run the application it still doesn't work. =( Launch Image doesn't show up.

I even removed the information that was in Launch Screen File (which my assumption was the setting that connects to the .xib file). Still, somehow the .xib file appears on my iPhone6 device. =(

Any ideas what's going on?

like image 777
Sandy D. Avatar asked Dec 31 '14 16:12

Sandy D.

People also ask

What is images Xcassets?

The images. xcassets catalog is the default asset, used to manage the required app icons and launch images.

How do I add pictures to Xcode app?

Drag and drop image onto Xcode's assets catalog. Or, click on a plus button at the very bottom of the Assets navigator view and then select “New Image Set”. After that, drag and drop an image into the newly create Image Set, placing it at appropriate 1x, 2x or 3x slot.

2 Answers

I had this problem. I tested on simulator. I left the "Launch screen file" blank and removed the line about the "launch screen file" inside the plist. I restarted Xcode. Nothing. In my case in was not black it was white. Xcode 7 target ios 9.

i read this one as well: Launch Image does not show up in my iOS App

The launch image only showed up when i deleted the app from the simulator and run the app again.

like image 98
pierre Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 02:09


I finally figured it out!

So, in your project settings, go to the section that says: App Icons and Launch Images

Remove the information found in Launch Screen File if you do not want to use .xib file.

Then, in Launch Image Source, Choose to migrate and if you have already created your LaunchImage file and added the images to it. Then click the asset catalog that shows up. The name of the one that contains your Launch Images.

This will create a new Launch-Image2 in your image set. To use the one you already have created, click the drop-down menu next to Launch Image Source. And you should see your other Launch Image set. Choose it. Then re-build your application and run it. You should see your Launch Image. =)

Hope this helps!

Note: it won't delete your images that you already have in the asset catalog. It will just create a new LaunchImage asset set.

Reference: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/recipes/xcode_help-image_catalog-1.0/chapters/StoringAppIconsandLaunchImagesinanAssetCatalog.html

like image 44
Sandy D. Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

Sandy D.