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LaTeX error related to tcolorbox.sty not found


I have a problem with LaTeX whenever I try to download the file in PDF. When I try to do that, it gives me the following error:

! LaTeX Error: File `tcolorbox.sty' not found. Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed ,or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)Enter file name:! Emergency stop.<read > \usepackage 

I've already downloaded the tcolorbox zip file and dragged the directory into the tex/latex tree, as said in README file, but neither that worked.

Originally I used to try to download the pdf from Jupiter Notebook, but also that gave me an error:

nbconvert failed: PDF creating failed, captured latex output: Failed to run "xelatex .\notebook.tex -quiet" command: This is XeTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-0.999991 (TeX Live 2019/W32TeX) (preloaded format=xelatex)  restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode ! Undefined control sequence. <*> .\notebook               .tex -quiet ?  ! Emergency stop. <*> .\notebook               .tex -quiet No pages of output. Transcript written on ?. 

Any suggestions?

like image 891
Aurora Blackwood Avatar asked Dec 07 '19 11:12

Aurora Blackwood

2 Answers

After installing tcolorbox using LaTex's package manager tlmgr, I was getting similar errors for other dependencies. The solution below worked for me on Ubuntu 18.04 (64 bit) at the terminal:

tlmgr update --all --self tlmgr install tcolorbox tlmgr install pgf tlmgr install xcolor tlmgr install environ tlmgr install trimspaces tlmgr install mathpazo tlmgr install parskip tlmgr install adjustbox tlmgr install collectbox tlmgr install eurosym tlmgr install ecs tlmgr install ucs tlmgr install enumitem tlmgr install ulem tlmgr install mathrsfs tlmgr install jknapltx rsfs sudo tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended 

Also, rendering the document to PDF using the "export notebook as" option didn't work for me. I did it at the command line: jupyter nbconvert --to pdf my_document.ipynb. You may need to install nbconvert if you don't have it.

If missing other dependencies, keep running tlmgr install with the missing dependencies until it works. I haven't figured out yet to which packages those dependencies belong, so my apologies for the dirty fix.

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Oscar Montoya Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10

Oscar Montoya

In addition to Oscar's answer, I also had to run:

sudo tlmgr install collection-fontsrecommended 

and it worked

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Alexander Rohl Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10

Alexander Rohl