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Latest in mobile web development best practices

I know this has been asked a bunch of times before (notably here and here), but I'm looking for a good current guide for getting started in developing websites for modern mobile browsers. Ideally, I would love an updated version of Craig Hockenberry's excellent, 2.5-year-old Put Your Content in My Pocket---one that is aware of new devices like the Pre, Droid, etc., slightly different screen sizes across devices, and with solid advice for iPhone and BlackBerry in particular.

My goal here is to build a page with only text (prose and tabular) and a short form without conditional XHTML/CSS/JS for different browsers/hardware (if possible :) ).

I will need accordions to expand and hide details below section headers. I would use jQuery, but suspect that these browsers may have a more native of way of doing this very mobile-idiomatic thing.

I'm aware of the W3C Mobile Web Initiative, but am looking for more real-world, concrete advice.

Thanks everybody!

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carillonator Avatar asked Jan 19 '10 20:01


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When designing for mobile devices What is best?

Keep Navigation Simple Ensure labelling is clear and concise for navigation. Offer short-key access to different features. Remember to offer a 30x30 pixel space for touch screen tap points. Ensure that links are visually distinct and make it clear when they have been activated too.

What are standards of mobile web?

WAP Architecture (with or without proxy) XHTML Mobile Profile. ECMAScript Mobile Profile (including Document Object Model), providing for local application scripting capability (akin to JavaScript) Wireless Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

1 Answers

Check out Mobile Web Design by Cameron Moll, there is a preview sample PDF.


The pace of change in this area is so swift you are better off getting your information from the web in my opinion.

Here is a good article that links to quite a few resources (including the book I mention):


Don't skip the comments, smashingmagazine articles tend to accrue good advice in the comments. Good luck, and happy coding.

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John Breedlove Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10

John Breedlove