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Large dynamically sized html table with a fixed scroll row and fixed scroll column

I need to display a large table on a web page and need to prevent the first column and first row from scrolling. I'd like to dynamically set the vertical size of this table (between some static size header/footer page content) to make it as tall as possible without forcing the browser window to have a vertical scrollbar.

   browser window\/ +--------------------------------------------------------------+  /\ |   /\     /\  /\         /\       /\      /\     /\ /\        |  fixed static |    web page header fields and text                           |  |  size |   \/    \/   \/         \/       \/     \/     \/   \/       |__\/__ |               +----<<<table-scrollbar>>>>>----------------+  |  /\ |+--------------+--------+--------+--------+--------+-------+  |   | ||              |        |colspan |        |        | fixed |  |   | ||  fixed       |  fixed |  fixed | fixed  |  fixed | more> |  |   | |+--------------+--+--+--+---+----+--+--+--+--------+-------++ |   | ||  fixed       |  |  |  |   |    |  |  |  |        |       || |   | |+--------------+--+--+--+---+----+--+--+--+--------+-------+t |   | ||  fixed       |  |  |  |   |    |  |  |  |        |       |a |   | |+--------------+--+--+--+---+----+--+--+--+--------+-------+b |   | ||  fixed       |  |  |  |   |    |  |  |  |        |       |l |   | |+--------------+--+--+--+---+----+--+--+--+--------+-------+e |   set ||  fixed       |  |  |  |   |    |  |  |  |        |       || |   dynamic ||  multi-line  |  |  |  |   |    |  |  |  |        |       |s |   size at |+--------------+--+--+--+---+----+--+--+--+--------+-------+c |   runtime ||  fixed       |  |  |  |   |    |  |  |  |        |       |r |   | |+--------------+--+--+--+---+----+--+--+--+--------+-------+o |   | ||  fixed       |  |  |  |   |    |  |  |  |        |       |l |   | |+--------------+--+--+--+---+----+--+--+--+--------+-------+l |   | ||  fixed       |  |  |  |   |    |  |  |  |        |       |b |   | ||              |  |  |  |   |    |  |  |  |        |       |a  |+--------------+--+--+--+---+----+--+--+--+--------+-------+r |   | || fixed, moreV |  |  |  |   |    |  |  |  |        |       || |   | |+--------------+--+--+--+---+----+--+--+--+--------+-------++ |__\/__ |   /\     /\  /\         /\       /\      /\     /\ /\        |  /\ |    web page footer fields and text                           |  fixed static |   \/    \/   \/         \/       \/     \/     \/   \/       |  |  size +--------------------------------------------------------------+  \/ 

this only needs to work in modern browsers, using all/any: html, css, javascript, jquery

order of importance:

  • complex table with many form fields, hidden values, javascript collapsing of rows, etc. which I'll add later
  • 1st row will have colspans
  • rows will have variable height
  • 1st row: fixed from vertical scroll, but can scroll horizontally
  • 1st column: fixed from horizontal scroll, but can scroll vertical
  • dynamically size this "table" to fill the screen between the static size header/footer html
  • location of the scroll bars (as depicted in my awesome ascii art above) isn't critical.

here is a very basic html sample of the screen, without any of the scroll/sizing features:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>big scrolling table example</TITLE> </HEAD>  <BODY>   <form name="MyForm" method="POST" action="">     <!-- static size header junk--><!-- static size header junk--><!-- static size header junk-->     <table border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">     <tr>     <td width="35%" align="left">header junk left</td>     <td >- HEADER JUNK MIDDLE -</td>     <td width="35%" align="right">header junk right</td>     </tr>     </table>     <br>     <table border="0" width="95%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">     <tr>     <td width="60%" align="left">header junk left</td>     <td width="40%" align="right">check it out! <input type="checkbox" onchange="alert('your javascript here');" value="Y" name="checkitout"></td>     </tr>       <!-- big table here!!--><!-- big table here!!--><!-- big table here!!--><!-- big table here!!-->      <table border="1" width="95%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">     <tr>     <td>fixed can be long<br>or short</td>     <td colspan="4">scroll A</td>     <td colspan="2">scroll B</td>     <td >scroll C</td>     <td colspan="4">scroll D</td>     <td colspan="2">scroll E</td>     <td >scroll F</td>     <td colspan="4">scroll G</td>     <td colspan="2">scroll H</td>     <td >scroll I</td>     <td colspan="4">scroll J</td>     <td colspan="2">scroll K</td>     <td >scroll L</td>     <td colspan="4">scroll M</td>     <td colspan="2">scroll N</td>     <td >scroll O</td>     </tr>      <tr>         <td>fixed 2</td>         <td>1 1 1 1 1 A</td><td>2 2 2 2 2 A</td><td>3 3 3 3 3 A</td><td>4 4 4 4 4 A</td>         <td>1 B</td><td>2 B</td>         <td >1 C</td>         <td>1 D</td><td>2 D</td><td>3 D</td><td>4 D<br>more...</td>         <td>1 E</td><td>2 E</td>         <td >1 F</td>         <td>1 1 1 G</td><td>2 2 G</td><td>3 G</td><td>4 4 4 4 G</td>         <td>1 H</td><td>222 H</td>         <td >1 I</td>         <td>1 J</td><td>2 J</td><td>3 J</td><td>4 J</td>         <td>1 K</td><td>2 2 K<br>more..<br>more..</td>         <td >1 L</td>         <td>1 M</td><td>22 M</td><td>333 M</td><td>4444 M</td>         <td>1 N</td><td>2 N</td>         <td >1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O</td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>fixed 3</td>         <td>1 1 1 1 1 A</td><td>2 2 2 2 2 A</td><td>3 3 3 3 3 A</td><td>4 4 4 4 4 A</td>         <td>1 B</td><td>2 B</td>         <td >1 C</td>         <td>1 D</td><td>2 D</td><td>3 D</td><td>4 D<br>more...</td>         <td>1 E</td><td>2 E</td>         <td >1 F</td>         <td>1 1 1 G</td><td>2 2 G</td><td>3 G</td><td>4 4 4 4 G</td>         <td>1 H</td><td>222 H</td>         <td >1 I</td>         <td>1 J</td><td>2 J</td><td>3 J</td><td>4 J</td>         <td>1 K</td><td>2 2 K<br>more..<br>more..</td>         <td >1 L</td>         <td>1 M</td><td>22 M</td><td>333 M</td><td>4444 M</td>         <td>1 N</td><td>2 N</td>         <td >1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O</td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>fixed 4</td>         <td>1 1 1 1 1 A</td><td>2 2 2 2 2 A</td><td>3 3 3 3 3 A</td><td>4 4 4 4 4 A</td>         <td>1 B</td><td>2 B</td>         <td >1 C</td>         <td>1 D</td><td>2 D</td><td>3 D</td><td>4 D<br>more...<br>more...<br>more...<br>more...</td>         <td>1 E</td><td>2 E</td>         <td >1 F</td>         <td>1 1 1 G</td><td>2 2 G</td><td>3 G</td><td>4 4 4 4 G</td>         <td>1 H</td><td>222 H</td>         <td >1 I</td>         <td>1 J</td><td>2 J</td><td>3 J</td><td>4 J</td>         <td>1 K</td><td>2 2 K<br>more..<br>more..</td>         <td >1 L</td>         <td>1 M</td><td>22 M</td><td>333 M</td><td>4444 M</td>         <td>1 N</td><td>2 N</td>         <td >1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O</td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>fixed 5</td>         <td>1 1 1 1 1 A</td><td>2 2 2 2 2 A</td><td>3 3 3 3 3 A</td><td>4 4 4 4 4 A</td>         <td>1 B</td><td>2 B</td>         <td >1 C</td>         <td>1 D</td><td>2 D</td><td>3 D</td><td>4 D<br>more...</td>         <td>1 E</td><td>2 E</td>         <td >1 F</td>         <td>1 1 1 G</td><td>2 2 G</td><td>3 G</td><td>4 4 4 4 G</td>         <td>1 H</td><td>222 H<br>H<br>H<br>H<br>H</td>         <td >1 I</td>         <td>1 J</td><td>2 J</td><td>3 J</td><td>4 J</td>         <td>1 K</td><td>2 2 K<br>more..<br>more..</td>         <td >1 L</td>         <td>1 M</td><td>22 M</td><td>333 M</td><td>4444 M</td>         <td>1 N</td><td>2 N</td>         <td >1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O</td>     </tr>     <tr>         <td>fixed 6<br>6<br>6<br>6</td>         <td>1 1 1 1 1 A</td><td>2 2 2 2 2 A</td><td>3 3 3 3 3 A</td><td>4 4 4 4 4 A</td>         <td>1 B</td><td>2 B</td>         <td >1 C</td>         <td>1 D</td><td>2 D</td><td>3 D</td><td>4 D<br>more...</td>         <td>1 E</td><td>2 E</td>         <td >1 F</td>         <td>1 1 1 G</td><td>2 2 G</td><td>3 G</td><td>4 4 4 4 G</td>         <td>1 H</td><td>222 H</td>         <td >1 I</td>         <td>1 J</td><td>2 J</td><td>3 J</td><td>4 J</td>         <td>1 K</td><td>2 2 K<br>more..<br>more..</td>         <td >1 L</td>         <td>1 M</td><td>22 M</td><td>333 M</td><td>4444 M</td>         <td>1 N</td><td>2 N</td>         <td >1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O</td>     </tr>      </table>       <!-- static size footer junk--><!-- static size footer junk--><!-- static size footer junk--><!-- static size footer junk-->     <table border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">     <tr>     <td width="35%" align="left">footer junk left</td>     <td >- FOOTER JUNK MIDDLE -</td>     <td width="35%" align="right">footer junk right</td>     </tr>    </form> </BODY> </HTML> 
like image 788
KM. Avatar asked May 31 '12 17:05


People also ask

How do you create a HTML table with a fixed left column and scrollable body?

It is possible to create a table, which has a fixed left column and a scrollable body. For that, you'll need to use some CSS. You can use the position property set to “absolute” for the first column and specify its width. Then use the overflow-x property set to “scroll” for the entire table.

How do you make a table header fixed and body scrollable?

Create a Table That Has a Fixed Header. We can create an HTML table that has a fixed header with some CSS. We set the height of the table element to 120px to make restrict the height of it so we can make it scrollable. To make it scrollable, we set the overflow CSS property to scroll .

How do I fix a column in a HTML table?

To freeze the row/column we can use a simple HTML table and CSS. HTML: In HTML we can define the header row by <th> tag or we can use <td> tag also. Below example is using the <th> tag. We also put the table in DIV element to see the horizontal and vertical scrollbar by setting the overflow property of the DIV element.

2 Answers

Edit 5: - Added configurable fixed Rows and Columns. - Fixed column width and height issues - Reduced usage of complex selectors


    $('#cTable').cTable({         width: 1300,           height: 500,           fCols: 2,         fRows: 2     }); 

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/rCuPf/7/embedded/result/ (updated demo)

Edit 4: Updated for colSpan on column 1. Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/skram/rKjk3/26/

Edit 3: Did some cleanup and some fixes: http://jsfiddle.net/rKjk3/22 Tested in IE9, FF and Chrome. (I don't have latest IE to test it now)

Edit 2: Fix for IE: http://jsfiddle.net/rKjk3/15/embedded/result/ (See latest above)

Edit 1: Fix for resize window http://jsfiddle.net/rKjk3/11/ (See latest above)

  • Added window.resize event handler to set the width of the rightContainer so the width of actual table will be increased as you resize.
  • Removed fixed width on SBWrapper so that it can fully utilize the available space inside the container.

I have created 2 demo for your requirement.

  1. Sample to show how the rendered html will look like with a simple markup structure. This will allow you to look at the structure that is being rendered and how it is working :)
    DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/GmJ22/7/

  2. Actual demo with the markup that you have posted. The code is just a rough version and may require some cleanup. Right now you can configure the width and height of the table. I am posting it so that you can take a look and give me some feedback.
    DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/rKjk3/10/embedded/result/ (see below fixed versions)

Full code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>big scrolling table example</TITLE> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script>     $(function() {         $.fn.cTable = function(o) {                      this.wrap('<div class="cTContainer" />');             this.wrap('<div class="relativeContainer" />');                 //Update below template as how you have it in orig table             var origTableTmpl = '<table border="1" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center" width="95%" ></table>';                         //get row 1 and clone it for creating sub tables             var row1 = this.find('tr').slice(0, o.fRows).clone();              var r1c1ColSpan = 0;             for (var i = 0; i < o.fCols; i++ ) {                 r1c1ColSpan += this[0].rows[0].cells[i].colSpan;             }              //create table with just r1c1 which is fixed for both scrolls             var tr1c1 = $(origTableTmpl);             row1.each(function () {                             var tdct = 0;                 $(this).find('td').filter( function () {                     tdct += this.colSpan;                     return tdct > r1c1ColSpan;                 }).remove();                             });             row1.appendTo(tr1c1);             tr1c1.wrap('<div class="fixedTB" />');             tr1c1.parent().prependTo(this.closest('.relativeContainer'));              //create a table with just c1                     var c1= this.clone().prop({'id': ''});             c1.find('tr').slice(0, o.fRows).remove();             c1.find('tr').each(function (idx) {                 var c = 0;                 $(this).find('td').filter(function () {                     c += this.colSpan;                     return c > r1c1ColSpan;                 }).remove();                        });              var prependRow = row1.first().clone();             prependRow.find('td').empty();             c1.prepend(prependRow).wrap('<div class="leftSBWrapper" />')             c1.parent().wrap('<div class="leftContainer" />');                         c1.closest('.leftContainer').insertAfter('.fixedTB');              //create table with just row 1 without col 1             var r1 = $(origTableTmpl);             row1 = this.find('tr').slice(0, o.fRows).clone();             row1.each(function () {                 var tds = $(this).find('td'), tdct = 0;                 tds.filter (function () {                     tdct += this.colSpan;                     return tdct <= r1c1ColSpan;                 }).remove();             });             row1.appendTo(r1);             r1.wrap('<div class="topSBWrapper" />')             r1.parent().wrap('<div class="rightContainer" />')               r1.closest('.rightContainer').appendTo('.relativeContainer');              $('.relativeContainer').css({'width': 'auto', 'height': o.height});              this.wrap('<div class="SBWrapper"> /')                     this.parent().appendTo('.rightContainer');                 this.prop({'width': o.width});                  var tw = 0;             //set width and height of rendered tables             for (var i = 0; i < o.fCols; i++) {                 tw += $(this[0].rows[0].cells[i]).outerWidth(true);             }             tr1c1.width(tw);             c1.width(tw);              $('.rightContainer').css('left', tr1c1.outerWidth(true));              for (var i = 0; i < o.fRows; i++) {                 var tr1c1Ht = $(c1[0].rows[i]).outerHeight(true);                 var thisHt = $(this[0].rows[i]).outerHeight(true);                 var finHt = (tr1c1Ht > thisHt)?tr1c1Ht:thisHt;                 $(tr1c1[0].rows[i]).height(finHt);                 $(r1[0].rows[i]).height(finHt);             }             $('.leftContainer').css({'top': tr1c1.outerHeight(true), 'width': tr1c1.outerWidth(true)});              var rtw = $('.relativeContainer').width() - tw;             $('.rightContainer').css({'width' : rtw, 'height': o.height, 'max-width': o.width - tw});                  var trs = this.find('tr');             trs.slice(1, o.fRows).remove();             trs.slice(0, 1).find('td').empty();             trs.each(function () {                 var c = 0;                 $(this).find('td').filter(function () {                     c += this.colSpan;                     return c <= r1c1ColSpan;                 }).remove();             });              r1.width(this.outerWidth(true));              for (var i = 1; i < c1[0].rows.length; i++) {                 var c1Ht = $(c1[0].rows[i]).outerHeight(true);                 var thisHt = $(this[0].rows[i]).outerHeight(true);                 var finHt = (c1Ht > thisHt)?c1Ht:thisHt;                 $(c1[0].rows[i]).height(finHt);                 $(this[0].rows[i]).height(finHt);             }              $('.SBWrapper').css({'height': $('.relativeContainer').height() - $('.topSBWrapper').height()});                          $('.SBWrapper').scroll(function () {                 var rc = $(this).closest('.relativeContainer');                 var lfW = rc.find('.leftSBWrapper');                 var tpW = rc.find('.topSBWrapper');                  lfW.css('top', ($(this).scrollTop()*-1));                 tpW.css('left', ($(this).scrollLeft()*-1));                     });              $(window).resize(function () {                 $('.rightContainer').width(function () {                     return $(this).closest('.relativeContainer').outerWidth() - $(this).siblings('.leftContainer').outerWidth();                 });              });         }          $('#cTable').cTable({             width: 1300,             height: 500,             fCols: 2,             fRows: 2         });     }); </script> <style>     .cTContainer { overflow: hidden; padding: 2px; }     .cTContainer table { table-layout: fixed; }     .relativeContainer { position: relative; overflow: hidden;}         .fixedTB { position: absolute; z-index: 11;  }     .leftContainer { position: absolute; overflow: hidden;  }     .rightContainer { position: absolute; overflow: hidden;  }     .leftSBWrapper { position: relative; z-index: 10; }     .topSBWrapper { position: relative; z-index: 10; width: 100%; }     .SBWrapper { width: 100%; overflow: auto; }      td { background-color: white; overflow: hidden; padding: 1px; }     </style> </HEAD> <BODY>   <form name="MyForm" method="POST" action="">     <table border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">         <tr>         <td width="35%" align="left">header junk left</td>         <td >- HEADER JUNK MIDDLE -</td>         <td width="35%" align="right">header junk right</td>         </tr>     </table>     <br />     <table border="0" width="95%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">         <tr>         <td width="60%" align="left">header junk left</td>         <td width="40%" align="right">check it out! <input type="checkbox" onchange="alert('your javascript here');" value="Y" name="checkitout"></td>         </tr>     </table>      <!-- big table here!!--><!-- big table here!!--><!-- big table here!!--><!-- big table here!!-->     <table border="1" width="95%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center" id="cTable" >         <tr>             <td width="5%" colspan="3">fixed can be long<br>or short</td>             <td width="9%" colspan="4">scroll A</td>             <td width="7%" colspan="2">scroll B</td>             <td width="3%">scroll C</td>             <td width="9%" colspan="4">scroll D</td>             <td width="7%" colspan="2">scroll E</td>             <td width="3%">scroll F</td>             <td width="9%" colspan="4">scroll G</td>             <td width="7%" colspan="2">scroll H</td>             <td width="3%">scroll I</td>             <td width="9%" colspan="4">scroll J</td>             <td width="7%" colspan="2">scroll K</td>             <td width="3%">scroll L</td>             <td width="9%" colspan="4">scroll M</td>             <td width="7%" colspan="2">scroll N</td>             <td width="3%">scroll O</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td width="5%" colspan="3">2nd fixed header</td>             <td width="9%" colspan="4">scroll 2A</td>             <td width="7%">scroll 2B-1</td>             <td width="7%">scroll 2B-2 </td>             <td width="3%">scroll 2C</td>             <td width="9%" colspan="4">scroll 2D</td>             <td width="7%" colspan="2">scroll 2E</td>             <td width="3%">scroll 2F</td>             <td width="9%" colspan="4">scroll 2G</td>             <td width="7%" colspan="2">scroll 2H</td>             <td width="3%">scroll 2I</td>             <td width="9%" colspan="4">scroll 2J</td>             <td width="7%" colspan="2">scroll 2K</td>             <td width="3%">scroll 2L</td>             <td width="9%" colspan="4">scroll 2M</td>             <td width="7%" colspan="2">scroll 2N</td>             <td width="3%">scroll 2O</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td>2</td>             <td>2</td>             <td>2</td>             <td>1 1 1 1 1 A</td>             <td>2 2 2 2 2 A</td>             <td>3 3 3 3 3 A</td>             <td>4 4 4 4 4 A</td>             <td>1 B</td>             <td>2 B</td>             <td >1 C</td>             <td>1 D</td>             <td>2 D</td>             <td>3 D</td>             <td>4 D<br>more...</td>             <td>1 E</td>             <td>2 E</td>             <td >1 F</td>             <td>1 1 1 G</td>             <td>2 2 G</td>             <td>3 G</td>             <td>4 4 4 4 G</td>             <td>1 H</td>             <td>222 H</td>             <td >1 I</td>             <td>1 J</td>             <td>2 J</td>             <td>3 J</td>             <td>4 J</td>             <td>1 K</td>             <td>2 2 K<br>more..<br>more..</td>             <td >1 L</td>             <td>1 M</td>             <td>22 M</td>             <td>333 M</td>             <td>4444 M</td>             <td>1 N</td>             <td>2 N</td>             <td >1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td colspan="2">fixed 3</td>             <td>3</td>             <td>1 1 1 1 1 A</td><td>2 2 2 2 2 A</td><td>3 3 3 3 3 A</td><td>4 4 4 4 4 A</td>             <td>1 B</td><td>2 B</td>             <td >1 C</td>             <td>1 D</td><td>2 D</td><td>3 D</td><td>4 D<br>more...</td>             <td>1 E</td><td>2 E</td>             <td >1 F</td>             <td>1 1 1 G</td><td>2 2 G</td><td>3 G</td><td>4 4 4 4 G</td>             <td>1 H</td><td>222 H</td>             <td >1 I</td>             <td>1 J</td><td>2 J</td><td>3 J</td><td>4 J</td>             <td>1 K</td><td>2 2 K<br>more..<br>more..</td>             <td >1 L</td>             <td>1 M</td><td>22 M</td><td>333 M</td><td>4444 M</td>             <td>1 N</td><td>2 N</td>             <td >1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td colspan="3">fixed 4</td>             <td>1 1 1 1 1 A</td><td>2 2 2 2 2 A</td><td>3 3 3 3 3 A</td><td>4 4 4 4 4 A</td>             <td>1 B</td><td>2 B</td>             <td >1 C</td>             <td>1 D</td><td>2 D</td><td>3 D</td><td>4 D<br>more...<br>more...<br>more...<br>more...</td>             <td>1 E</td><td>2 E</td>             <td >1 F</td>             <td>1 1 1 G</td><td>2 2 G</td><td>3 G</td><td>4 4 4 4 G</td>             <td>1 H</td><td>222 H</td>             <td >1 I</td>             <td>1 J</td><td>2 J</td><td>3 J</td><td>4 J</td>             <td>1 K</td><td>2 2 K<br>more..<br>more..</td>             <td >1 L</td>             <td>1 M</td><td>22 M</td><td>333 M</td><td>4444 M</td>             <td>1 N</td><td>2 N</td>             <td >1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O</td>         </tr>         <tr>             <td colspan="3">fixed 5</td>             <td>1 1 1 1 1 A</td><td>2 2 2 2 2 A</td><td>3 3 3 3 3 A</td><td>4 4 4 4 4 A</td>             <td>1 B</td><td>2 B</td>             <td >1 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like image 109
Selvakumar Arumugam Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09

Selvakumar Arumugam

I agree with @FedericoGiust's answer; but since you asked for more detail...

<script type="text/javascript"         src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"         src="http://datatables.net/download/build/jquery.dataTables.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript"         src="http://datatables.net/download/build/FixedColumns.min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript">   $(document).ready(function() {     var oTable = $('#bigtable').dataTable({         "sScrollY": "300px",  // set vertical size dynamically here         "sScrollX": "100%",         "bPaginate": false,         "bFilter": false     });     new FixedColumns(oTable);   });​ </script> 

You need to add a row of dummy column headers so that Datatables will cope with the colspans.

See it on jsfiddle.

like image 35
eggyal Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
