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Laravel5 (PHP) or SailsJS (node.js)?

Actually, I am working on a project with Laravel5 (laravel.com)

someone who is working on another project with SailsJS (sailsjs.org) asked me why I am still using PHP. I should work with nodejs (sails), because PHP would be a language would be going to die.

Well, what's better to use for the future.

  • Both are MVC frameworks
  • on both you can code views with Jade (see jade-lang.org)
  • on both you can use any database.
  • on both you can easily install modules (composer / npm for the backend), bower for the frontend

What's better - and an important aspect - which framework creates responds faster?

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Artisan72 Avatar asked Oct 25 '15 05:10


People also ask

Which is better node JS or PHP?

Due to the V8 engine, asynchronous execution, and real-time server interaction, Node. js offers a better execution speed and certainly outperforms PHP. Node. js sends a request to the computer's file system.

Which one is best Laravel or NodeJS?

If you need a full-scale system to handle a massive website that is based on CMS, go with Laravel. If you need a service-based architecture that is compact, go with Node JS. Laravel platform contains the Eloquent ORM, which requires a basic implementation of PHP Active Record.

Should I switch from PHP to node js?

While talking about PHP vs NodeJS, Node. js is an asynchronous, event-driven, and non-blocking programming language, whereas PHP is a synchronous programming language. This means that Node. js is a better option for speeding up the development process than PHP.

What is difference between Laravel and node JS?

Node is an open-source runtime environment, while Laravel is an open-source web development framework. Full-stack: Both Laravel and Node provide full-stack development. On the front end, Laravel employs JavaScript and PHP on the back end. JavaScript is used on both the frontend and backend of Node.

1 Answers

As a technical guy, i would suggest you to use sails over laravel. Its not because PHP is going to die(and it will not happen).

As far as i know, anything built on javascript would be faster.

There are lot of advantages in sails like sockets are very easy to implement so on.

When it comes to disadvantage, its only with DOCUMENTATION. For a beginner, it would become little difficult to grasp all the things.

From PHP (Synchronous) to sails(Assynchronous), it will take some time to get familiar with sails.

Make sure you understand the basics of node.js very well before you start with sails.

For more references, see this , this and this

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Niranjan N Raju Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09

Niranjan N Raju