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Laravel Validation nullable or numeric

I am using Laravel 5.4.

I have two fields in a form: travel_km and travel_rate

  1. Both fields must be numeric
  2. Both fields are optional but, travel_rate must be entered if travel_km is not empty

My rules: 'travel_km' => 'numeric|nullable', 'travel_rate' => 'sometimes|required_with:travel_km'

The problem is if travel_km is empty I still get an error on travel_rate because it is null.

If I put nullable on travel_rate I do not get an error even if travel_km is not empty.

To solve this I did this in my Controller:

if(empty($request->travel_km) && empty($request->travel_rate)) {
            'customer_id' => 'required',
            'service_date' => 'required',
            'labour_hrs'    => 'numeric|nullable',
            'hourly_rate' => 'sometimes|required_with:labour_hrs',
            'customer_id' => 'Please enter the customer',
            'service_date' => 'Please select the service date',
            'labour_hrs' => 'Please enter a valid number',
            'hourly_rate' => 'Please enter a valid number',
       } else {
            'customer_id' => 'required',
            'service_date' => 'required',
            'labour_hrs'    => 'numeric|nullable',
            'hourly_rate' => 'sometimes|required_with:labour_hrs',
            'travel_km' => 'numeric|nullable',
            'travel_rate' => 'sometimes|required_with:travel_km'
            'customer_id' => 'Please enter the customer',
            'service_date' => 'Please select the service date',
            'labour_hrs' => 'Please enter a valid number',
            'hourly_rate' => 'Please enter a valid number',
            'travel_rate' => 'Please enter a valid number',
            'travel_km' => 'Please enter a valid number'

Is there any other way to solve this? I have this issue if a few cases and I don't want to more generic solution.

I looked at Custom Validation but could not understand how do I check if the travel_km is empty or not.

Validator::extend('foo', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
        return is_numeric($value) && $parameter ????;

Thank you

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Sigal Zahavi Avatar asked Aug 08 '19 09:08

Sigal Zahavi

Video Answer

1 Answers

Try using required_if as below

'travel_km' => 'numeric|nullable', 
'travel_rate' => 'sometimes|required_if:travel_km'

This will validate travel_rate only if travel_km is present and non-empty. Here it will, allow you to put travel_km null when travel_km is not empty and travel_rate is empty it will show you error but won't show you error when travel_km has null value. Hope this helps.

UPDATE: nullable validation doesn't works for numeric value.

It can be accomplished by applying conditional rule as below,

if( !empty(Input::get('travel_km')) ){
  $rules['travel_km'] = 'numeric';
like image 194
Murtaza Bharmal Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

Murtaza Bharmal