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Laravel Socialite: How to change redirect_uri at runtime?

Is is possible to change the value of redirect_uri set in config/services.php at runtime?

I tried doing like this:

return $socialite->driver('facebook')->redirectUrl(newUrl)->redirect();

but it throws an error saying that the redirect_uri should match the one from the OAuth dialog. Upon further checking of the error message, the value of redirect_uri is empty so apparently, the redirectUrl() method does not work.


This is the socialite version that I'm using defined in composer.json:

"laravel/socialite": "^2.0"

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Jay Avatar asked Oct 17 '22 11:10


1 Answers

The solution to this is:

public function redirectToProvider($accountType, $provider)
    return Socialite::driver($provider)
        ->with(['redirect_uri' => "YOUR_NEW_URL"])

With this method, you could override any of the values in the http request (including the scope).

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Tochukwu Nkemdilim Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10

Tochukwu Nkemdilim