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Laravel: share session data over multiple domains

I'm building a multi-domain/multi-store ecommerce application in Laravel and would like to keep the user logged in when he or she changes from store to store.

But for as far as I know Laravel's Auth service saves the logged in user in the session and the sessions can't be accessed by other domains.

Is there a way (maybe a package) to achieve this, without leaving my application prone to possible security problems?

Thanks in advance!

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Luuk Van Dongen Avatar asked Nov 08 '14 20:11

Luuk Van Dongen

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Be sure to review the options available to you in this file. By default, Laravel is configured to use the file session driver, which will work well for many applications. If your application will be load balanced across multiple web servers, you should choose a centralized store that all servers can access, such as Redis or a database.

1 Answers

I know this is not exactly what was asked for, but, for development and testing purposes, I did this:

In config/session.php, try changing this line

'path' => '/',

Into this

'path' => '/;SameSite=None; secure',

allowed me to authenticate from different domains.

Now, you should be able to write a simple middleware to prevent unwanted hosts. Something like this.

namespace App\Http\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Closure;

class TrustedHosts{
    public function handle($request, Closure $next){
        //$host = $request->getHost();
        $host = $request->headers->get('origin');
        $enviroment = env('APP_ENV');

        if ( $enviroment == 'development' ) {
            $trustedHosts = array('localhost', 'dev.mydomain.com');
        else {
            $trustedHosts = array('anotherdomain.com', 'mydomain.com');
        $isHostTrusted = in_array($host, $trustedHosts);
        if ( !$isHostTrusted ) return response("I'm a teapot", 418); //Or any other code and message that you prefer.
        return $next($request);

And group it in the middleware group that includes the session stuff.

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sergio0983 Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
