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Laravel session id changes with each request

I have a Laravel 5.0 site where the frontend JS makes a lot of ajax calls to the backend Laravel code. I've noticed that on each ajax request I'm getting a new "laravel_session" cookie value in the response everytime. I'm guessing that this is some security mechanism to protect against session hijacking.

However I think this is causing an issue with my site, as my ajax calls often happen in parallel, not sequentially. I don't wait for the response before firing the next call.

Consider this scenario

. Ajax call 1 - request - laravel_session cookie = '1234'

. Ajax call 1 - response - laravel_session cookie = '2345'

. Ajax call 2 - request- laravel_session cookie = '2345'

. Ajax call 3 - request- laravel_session cookie = '2345'

. Ajax call 2 - response - laravel_session cookie = '3456'

. Ajax call 3 - response - session not longer valid

Is there any way around this?

I should also note that sessions are set to expire in the config/session.php as 'lifetime' => 120,

enter image description here


like image 687
MakkyNZ Avatar asked Oct 14 '15 16:10


People also ask

Is Laravel session unique?

Of course each user session is unique to that logged in user.

How does PHP generate session ID?

session_create_id() is used to create new session id for the current session. It returns collision free session id. If session is not active, collision check is omitted. Session ID is created according to php.

How does Laravel session work?

Sessions are used to store information about the user across the requests. Laravel provides various drivers like file, cookie, apc, array, Memcached, Redis, and database to handle session data. By default, file driver is used because it is lightweight. Session can be configured in the file stored at config/session.

2 Answers

You are right it is a security mechanism. To disable it for testing, in Kernel.php comment out this line:


Then you will see the session ID in your cookie viewer and it doesn't change.

You can Google for HTTP encrypted cookies to learn about the practice. There is an ongoing debate if this old practice is necessary now that we use HTTPS on every website.

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malhal Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 11:10


Your domain is invalid. You need to look at config.session.domain and config.session.path.

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Lance Pioch Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 12:10

Lance Pioch