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Laravel Scheduler: Run every x hours except for given times




I know we can specify certain tasks for every X individual times like following will run after every two hours:

$schedule->command('catalog:update')->cron('0 */2 * * *');

However, I need to run every two hour but still be able to exclude certain times. For example, Scheduler should run my task every two hours but not between these times: 12 am to 5 am

I was thinking of putting current time check login in task itself which might work. Is there any other better or laravel-specific way of doing it ?

Thanks for the help/suggestions

like image 249
dev0010 Avatar asked Dec 26 '17 13:12


1 Answers

Use Laravel Scheduler with hourly() and unlessBetween().

The unlessBetween method can be used to exclude the execution of a task for a period of time

An example:

->hourly()->unlessBetween('00:00', '5:00');


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Alexey Mezenin Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Alexey Mezenin