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laravel query php how to get max value within a range

hello how do i get the max value of scores, where column ID range starts at 3-5 example table enter image description here

I want to get the max value of scores, where column ID ranging from 3-5 , please help,

what I have done so far:

$max_scores_table= DB::table('scores_table')
->where('id', '>', 2)

another problem is when i have a decimal points in the table when I used the max() function it gets the ID=5, which has a Score of 4.5, instead of ID=4 with a value of 4.6, tnx in advance

like image 733
user4006175 Avatar asked Sep 08 '15 03:09


2 Answers

Try to use whereBetween hope this works:

$max_scores_table= DB::table('scores_table')
    ->select(DB::raw('MAX(score) FROM scores_table as MaxScore'))
    ->whereBetween('id', array(3,5))
    ->where('score', 'MaxScore')


$max_scores_table= DB::table('scores_table')
    ->whereBetween('id', array(3,5))
like image 128
aldrin27 Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 22:11


Write query as below:

$max_scores_table = DB::table('scores_table')

Reference: Laravel API

like image 2
Ganesh Ghalame Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 23:11

Ganesh Ghalame