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Laravel Query Builder where is NULL no result [duplicate]

I have code as below to get shipment data where pdf_url is not NULL;

$shipment_data = DB::table('shipment')->where([
 'shipment_date' => '2017-12-11', ['pdf_url', '<>', 'NULL']])->get();

This has no problem, I get the data I need, but when I'm trying to use the same code to get the data with pdf_url is NULL, it has no result.

$shipment_data = DB::table('shipment')->where([
 'shipment_date' => '2017-12-11', ['pdf_url', '=', 'NULL']])->get();

What do I missing? I am very sure the DB record is there. I also tried other formats but still no result;

$shipment_data = DB::table('shipment')->where([
 'shipment_date' => '2017-12-11', ['pdf_url', 'NULL']])->get();


$shipment_data = DB::table('shipment')->where([
 'shipment_date' => '2017-12-11', 'pdf_url' => 'NULL'])->get();

EDIT: I can use whereRaw, but I'll prefer to use where instead. Code below has no issue;

$shipment_data = DB::table('shipment')
 ->whereRaw('shipment_date = "2017-12-11" AND pdf_url is NULL')->get();
like image 365
sulaiman sudirman Avatar asked Dec 12 '17 02:12

sulaiman sudirman

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2 Answers

Use whereNull

$shipment_data = DB::table('shipment')
like image 52
sumit Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09


try this:

$records = DB::table('shipment')
like image 27
Ajay Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
