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Laravel Public url for storage files

I want to retrieve public url for all the files stored using


So, this is the issue I'm using


but it provides this output from laravel storage directory


how can I get the public link for the above


**Edit **

Sending last modified data of files to view

$docs = File::files('storage/document');
$lastmodified = [];
foreach ($docs as $key => $value) {
   $docs[$key] = asset($value);
   $lastmodified[$key] = File::lastmodified($value);
return view('stock.document',compact('docs','lastmodified'));

Is this correct

like image 663
Daniel Euchar Avatar asked May 04 '17 18:05

Daniel Euchar

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Laravel's filesystem configuration file is located at config/filesystems.php . Within this file, you may configure all of your filesystem "disks". Each disk represents a particular storage driver and storage location.

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2 Answers

First you have to create the symbolic link from your public/storage directory to your storage/app/public directory so you can access the files. You can do that with:

php artisan storage:link

So then you can store your documents with:

Storage::putFile('spares', $file);

And access them as an asset with:


Check out the documentation on the public disk

like image 132
Eric Tucker Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Eric Tucker

What about Storage::url? It works even for local storage.

You can find more here: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/filesystem#file-urls

If you want to return all files' urls from the directory, you can do something like this:

return collect(Storage::files($directory))->map(function($file) {
    return Storage::url($file);

Don't forget to inject the \Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemManager instead of the Storage facade if you are looking for a not-facade way.


There are 2 (or more) ways how you can deal with modified date:

Pass files to the view.

|ou can pass your Storage::files($directory) directly to the view and then in your template use following:

// controller:

return view('view', ['files' => Storage::files($directory)]);

// template:

@foreach($files as $file)
   {{ Storage::url($file) }} - {{ $file->lastModified }} // I'm not sure about lastModified property, but you get the point

Return an array:

return collect(Storage::files($directory))->map(function($file) {
     return [
         'file' => Storage::url($file),
         'modified' => $file->lastModified // or something like this
like image 20
Jakub Kratina Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Jakub Kratina