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Laravel PackageManifest.php: Undefined index: name




I'm just trying to deploy my application and I just ran composer update on my server and I got the following error:

In PackageManifest.php line 122: Undefined index: name

How can I fix this issue?

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arety_ Avatar asked Apr 12 '20 20:04


People also ask

How do I fix Undefined index name in laravel?

Undefined index: name The new version of composer has a different format for `installed. json` and autodiscovery needs to be updated. If you can't update Laravel for whatever reason, you can roll back your Composer version to 1 by running composer self-update --1 . That will revert the installed.

What is undefined index in laravel?

That means the PHP code tries to get the value of the field that no one has defined and thus does not exist.

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1 Answers

As a temporary fix, try this, it worked for me, in the following file:


Find line 116 and comment it:

$packages = json_decode($this->files->get($path), true); 

Add two new lines after the above commented line:

$installed = json_decode($this->files->get($path), true); $packages = $installed['packages'] ?? $installed; 
like image 149
Pulkit Modi Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10

Pulkit Modi