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Laravel modify Collection data

I wonder if Laravel have any helper to modify a collection.

What I need to do is to make a query with paginate() then check if the logged in users ID match the sender or receiver and based on that add a new value to the output:

$userId = Auth::guard('api')->user()->user_id;
$allMessages = Conversation::join('users as sender', 'conversations.sender_id', '=', 'sender.user_id')
                               ->join('users as reciver', 'conversations.recipient_id', '=', 'reciver.user_id')
                               ->orderBy('last_updated', 'desc')
                               ->select('subject','sender_id','recipient_id', 'sender_unread', 'recipient_unread', 'last_updated', 'reciver.username as receivername', 'sender.username as sendername')

Now I want to do something like:

if ($allMessages->sender_id == $userId) {
    // add new value to output
    newField = $allMessages->sendername
} else {
    // add new value to output
    newField = $allMessages->receivername

Then send the data with the new value added

return response()->json(['messages' => $allMessages], 200);

Is this possible?

like image 739
user2636197 Avatar asked Sep 28 '16 15:09


2 Answers

You're better off using the Collection class's built-in functions for this. For example, the map function would be perfect.


$allMessages = $allMessages->map(function ($message, $key) use($userId) {
    if ($message->sender_id == $userId) {
        $message->display_name = $message->receivername;
    } else {
        $message->display_name = $message->sendername;

    return $message;
like image 68
ceejayoz Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09


Solved by adding:

foreach ($allMessages as $message) {
        if ($message->sender_id == $userId) {
            $message->display_name = $message->receivername;
        } else {
            $message->display_name = $message->sendername;
like image 32
user2636197 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09
