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Laravel installed, but connection is reset / No data received

I am using Digital Ocean as my server, I have a Ubuntu droplet running laravel fine on my site. But now I am making a 'projects backend' where there is just a folder with test projects that are all laravel projects themselves. They are not linked to the main laravel install.

I installed it, all the files are there if I go to www.mysite.com/projects/projectname it shows:

it shows

But when I go to the link www.mysite,com/projects/projectname/public it shows:


in firefox


in chrome

The site is working fine on my laptop using mamp. But not on the server?

If I look in charles (the proxy manager) I get the error / failure Remote server closed the connection before sending response header

I am not familiar with this, please can someone explain how to overcome this problem?

like image 885
Haring10 Avatar asked Dec 22 '14 08:12


2 Answers

Turning off XCache solved it for me.

like image 177
Samwise Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 13:10


Same thing still holds for Laravel 5 and when using opcache instead of xcache. When opcache is enabled I get this error. If I put

php_flag opcache.enable Off

at the top of my. htaccess file, the site loads perfectly.

like image 43
Daniel Schreij Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 11:10

Daniel Schreij