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Laravel inserting into a three-way pivot table


I am building a music discovery service. My question is: How do I insert data into the three-way pivot table Tag_Track_User ?


I have this schema seen here at LaravelSD

It comprises of six main tables (and a few others): Artists, Albums, Tracks, Tags, Users and Tag_Track_User


The Artists->Albums->Tracks relationship is straightforward and as you'd expect.

Tags, Tracks and Users all relate to one-another as no two can exist without the third.


Artists hasMany() Albums

Albums hasMany() Tracks and belongsTo() an Artist

Tracks belongsTo() Albums

Tracks belongsToMany() Tags and belongsToMany() an Users

Tags belongsToMany() Tracks and belongsToMany() an Users

Users belongsToMany() Tags and belongsToMany() an Tracks


User model

public function tags()
    return $this->belongsToMany('Tag', 'tag_track_user', 'user_mdbid', 'tag_mdbid')->withPivot('track_mdbid');

 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
public function tracks()
    return $this->belongsToMany('Track', 'tag_track_user', 'user_mdbid', 'track_mdbid')->withPivot('tag_mdbid');

The Tag and Track model contain the same respective relationships.


So my question is:

How do I insert data into the Tag_Track_User table? The tag_track_user table is a 3-way pivot table cointaining information about tracks that users have tagged.

You have to be logged in to tag a track (which means I have access to the user’s ID). The tracks ID is accessed as I am displaying it on the page where the form is contained. The tag on the other hand; if it already exists in the tags table, I want to get it’s ID and re-use that (as they are unique), if not, I want to create it, assign it an ID and insert that into the tag_track_user_table.

  1. I need to check whether the Tag exists
  2. If it does, get it's ID
  3. Insert data into the Tag_Track_User table

Thank you

Any help I receive on this, is greatly appreciated.

like image 951
Michael Avatar asked May 11 '14 13:05


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1 Answers


$tag = Tag::firstOrCreate(array('text' => $tag_text));

    "tag_mdbid" => $tag->mdbid,
    "track_mdbid" => $track->mdbid,
    "user_mdbid" => Auth::user()->mdbid

Something like that? firstOrCreate does what the name says it does, the rest is pretty straightforward Eloquent.

like image 193
Wogan Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 18:11
