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Laravel: How to store Excel File in a given path?

I have a function which is converting my blade view into Excel format and downloading it. Now I want to save it in a specified location, i.e: public/uploads/release Here is my controller:

 public function export_release()
    return Excel::download(new ReleaseExportView(), 'release.xlsx');

This function downloads the excel file downloads folder. I want to save it in the location: public/uploads/release

Here is my route:

Route::Get('outbounds/export_release' ,'outboundController@export_release')->name('outbounds.export_release');
like image 952
Kundan Nasir Avatar asked Oct 15 '22 01:10

Kundan Nasir

2 Answers

You can use the store method to store the file in the filesystem.

From the docs:

Exports can easily be stored on any filesystem that Laravel supports.

Default disk

public function storeExcel() 
    // Store on default disk
    Excel::store(new InvoicesExport(2018), 'invoices.xlsx');

Custom disk

public function storeExcel() 
    // Store on a different disk (e.g. s3)
    Excel::store(new InvoicesExport(2018), 'invoices.xlsx', 's3');
    // Store on a different disk with a defined writer type. 
    Excel::store(new InvoicesExport(2018), 'invoices.xlsx', 's3', Excel::XLSX);

Now ideally you would store the file in storage/app/public/uploads/release and create a symlink from public/storage/ to storage/app/public as explained here.

But if you really want to store it in public/uploads/release you could create new custom disk in config/filesystems.php. Something like:

'real_public' => [
    'driver' => 'local',
    'root' => public_path(),
    'url' => env('APP_URL'),
    'visibility' => 'public',

Then you could use the custom disk to store the file:

public function export_release()
    Excel::store(new ReleaseExportView(), 'uploads/release/release.xlsx', 'real_public');
like image 187
Remul Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 08:11


You can create a new storage disc in config/filesystems.php:

'excel_uploads' => [
    'driver' => 'local',
    'root'   => public_path() . '/uploads/release',

And store files like this:

Storage::disk('excel_uploads')->put($path, $file_content)
like image 25
Aless55 Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 10:11
