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Laravel. Get single column values of a table using Query Builder

I have a table named "items" and an input for the where condition named "ref_code".

$items = DB::table('items')
             ->where('ref_code','=', $request->ref_code)
             ->get(['id', 'ref_code', 'name','price']);

But I can't seem to take the values of each column.

I checked wether the query builder worked or not by using:

return $items;

Fortunately, there's no problem.

But returning or getting a single value doesn't work with:

return $items->id

Is my syntax wrong? All of this are inside my controller.

EDIT: I tried


before returning and it showed me this:

  Collection {#325 ▼
  #items: array:1 [▼
    0 => {#322 ▶}
like image 826
Jan Ariel San Jose Avatar asked Jul 22 '17 04:07

Jan Ariel San Jose

People also ask

How do I select a specific column in laravel?

If you want to get single row and from the that row single column, one line code to get the value of the specific column is to use find() method alongside specifying of the column that you want to retrieve it.

What is Take () in laravel?

you can easily use it with laravel 6 and laravel 7 application. take() will help to get data from a database table with a limit. skip() will help to skip some records when you fetch data from the database table.

What does get () return in laravel?

Think of it like this: when you don't exactly know what a query will return then you need to use get() . For example you can't use it with all() since you know that it will return all the records and no further conditions can be applied. It's the same with find() since you know it will only try to fetch one record.

2 Answers

Thanks for updating your question with the result. Look at your debug result. it looks like

array:1 [▼
    0 => {#322 ▶}

That means your query returning a collection of arrays because of you're using get() method. so get() method always return a collection of an array.

For avoiding this problem you have to use first() method instead of get(). Remember: all the time you have to use first() method when you want to get a single row.

So your query should be like :

$items = DB::table('items')
             ->select('id', 'ref_code', 'name', 'price')
             ->where('ref_code','=', $request->ref_code)


$item = YourModelName::select('id', 'ref_code', 'name', 'price')
             ->where('ref_code','=', $request->ref_code)

And finally get output as like $item->id, $item->ref_code etc.

Hope it will help.

References: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/queries#retrieving-results

like image 174
Md. Abu Taleb Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09

Md. Abu Taleb

get() would return a collection

$items = DB::table('items')
         ->where('ref_code','=', $request->ref_code)
         ->get(['id', 'ref_code', 'name','price']);

In the above case $items would be a collection, hence you need to loop through the collection to access the properties

foreach ($items as $item) {

If you'd need to return a Model instance you could use the method first() instead

$items = DB::table('items')
             ->select('id', 'ref_code', 'name', 'price')
             ->where('ref_code','=', $request->ref_code)

and access the properties as

like image 32
linktoahref Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
