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Laravel / Eloquent model relation viewer

So I was wondering if there were any packages I could use with Laravel 5 to show me visually my model relations? I know I could possibly do this using an SQL relation GUI but I was curious about a Laravel one?

Thanks in advance

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Oliver Bayes-Shelton Avatar asked Dec 08 '22 01:12

Oliver Bayes-Shelton

2 Answers

Laravel Schema Designer is an online application helping designing Laravel relation database visually.

It is also possible to export migration code, schema, model, controller, form or more to Laravel as code.

It is as said an online FREE tool/service and I find it useful.

Laravel Shcema Designer link: http://laravelsd.com

View an random example http://laravelsd.com/share/V3JXF4.

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Maytham Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 09:12


You can use Laravel SchemaSpy.

With SchemaSpy you can analyze the schema metadata of a database and generate browser readable files with useful information such:

  • Visual ER diagram.
  • Proper table insertion/deletion order for database migrations.

Α drawback of SchemaSpy is that you need to have java installed on your server in order to work.

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Alex Kyriakidis Avatar answered Dec 26 '22 10:12

Alex Kyriakidis