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Laravel Eloquent join vs with

I see that join is (by default inner join) and its returning all columns but it takes almost the same time as with keyword for just 1000 data.

$user->join(‘profiles’, ‘users.id’, ‘=’, ‘profiles.user_id’) - generates the below query.

select * from `users` inner join `profiles` on `users`.`id` = `profiles`.`user_id` where `first_name` LIKE '%a%'`

User::with(‘profile’) - this eager loading outputs the below query

select * from `users` where exists (select * from `profiles` where `users`.`id` = `profiles`.`user_id` and `first_name` LIKE '%a%')

which is the best way to return a list of users with a pagination for a REST API ? eager loading seems promising but its with a sub query.

if do with eager loading, this is how i will be filtering. need to use whereHas

        $query->whereHas('profile',function($q) use ($request){

but if used Join, its less lines of code.

  if ($request->filled('first_name')) {
            $users = $users->where('first_name', 'LIKE', "%$request->first_name%");

laravel version is 5.7

like image 537
dev1234 Avatar asked Nov 20 '18 02:11


People also ask

Can we use join in eloquent Laravel?

Eloquent power joinsAdd some Laravel magic to your Eloquent joins. If you have some experience using databases, it is very likely you have used joins at least once in your career. Joins can be used for a bunch of different reasons, from selecting data from other tables to limiting the matches of your query.

What is advantage of eloquent in Laravel?

Eloquent is an ORM, which means can automatically handle the relationships of your models for you. You can retrieve related models without writing complex queries. You can even retrieve database information without any kind of database knowledge at all.

How use inner join in Laravel eloquent?

laravel eloquent Join method by default use inner join. For example if you have 10 rows and you want the join from other table then it will only return the rows which satisfy both the tables. Laravel eloquent or query builder join method do the same as MySQL inner join function.

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1 Answers

Eloquent is Laravel's implementation of Active Record pattern and it comes with all its strengths and weaknesses. It is a good solution to use when you process a single entity in a CRUD manner - that is, read from database or create a new entity and then save it or delete. You will benefit a lot from Eloquent's features such as dirty checking (to send SQL UPDATE only for the fields which have been changed), model events (e.g. to send administrative alert or update statistics counter when someone has created a new account), traits (timestamps, soft deletes, custom traits) eager/lazy loading etc.

But, as you already know, it comes with some performance price. When you process a single or just a few records, there is nothing to worry about. But for cases when you read lots of records (e.g. for datagrids, for reports, for batch processing etc.) the plain DB is better approach.

For our application we are doing exactly that - using Laravel's Eloquent in web forms to process a single record and using DB (with SQL views) to retrieve data for grids, export etc.

When it comes to performance and the application grows, for the sake of comparison, take a loot at the following tables:

Comparison of select operation average response time between Eloquent ORM and Raw SQL

Eloquent ORM average response time

Joins | Average (ms) 

1     | 162,2
3     | 1002,7
4     | 1540,0 

Result of select operation average response time for Eloquent ORM

Raw SQL average response time

Joins | Average (ms)
1     | 116,4 
3     | 130,6 
4     | 155,2

Result of select operation average response time for Raw SQL

like image 122
Web Artisan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10

Web Artisan