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Laravel Eloquent - Get one Row

This might be a simple question, but I cannot figure this out. I am trying to get a user by email using:

$user = User::whereEmail($email)->get(); 

But this is returning an array (of dimension 1) of $users. So If I want to get the name, I have to do $user[0]['first_name'].

I tried using limit(1) or take(1), or even using ->toArray() but there was no difference.

What am I doing wrong?

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Kousha Avatar asked May 29 '14 03:05


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$users = User::all()->pluck('username'); You can also use pluck() method on nested objects like relationships with dot notation. Laravel Pluck method can be very useful when you extract certain column values without loading all the columns. You can benefit from the Laravel pluck method in the blade views as well.

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1 Answers

Simply use this:

$user = User::whereEmail($email)->first(); 
like image 166
Ganesh Jogam Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 02:10

Ganesh Jogam