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Laravel custom command not working




I made a new command with:

php artisan make:console CrawlData

Then I changed two variables:

protected $signature = 'make:crawl';
protected $description = 'My crawling command';

The problem is that when I run:

php artisan make:crawl

It outputs:

Command "make:crawl" is not defined.
like image 948
Alan Avatar asked Mar 08 '16 22:03


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1 Answers

You also need to register the command in the App\Console\Kernel class for it to be recognized:

protected $commands = [

You can read more about that in the Registering Commands documentation.

Starting with Laravel 5.5 commands in app/Console/Commands are automatically registered.

like image 102
Bogdan Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 01:10
