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Laravel Controller Type Hinting

After creating a model with -mcr (php artisan make:model Institution -mrc), the show function in controller was scaffolded as:

 * Display the specified resource.
 * @param  \App\Organization\Institution  $institution
 * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function show(Institution $institution)
    return view('institutions.show', ['institution' => $institution]);

The return view... was inserted by me. I was expecting it to have it populated with the object whose id was sent in the parameters.


But, after using dd($institution), I verified that it has the ID, not the object.

Shouldn't this variable return me the object?

like image 648
Victor Marconi Avatar asked Dec 07 '22 14:12

Victor Marconi

2 Answers

This is called Route Model Binding. Your route will need to look something like:

Route::get('institutions/{institution}', 'InstitutionController@show');

and then as per your controller

public function show(Institution $institution) 
    return view('institutions.show', compact($institution))

You can read more on this here.

I imagine your route had the parameter called {id} rather than {institution}.

like image 174
Munch Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 18:12


Replace the parameter of show function

public function show(Institution $institution) 
    return view('institutions.show', compact($institution))


public function show($id) 
    $institution = App\Institution::findOrFail($id);;
    return view('institutions.show', compact('institution'));

and in your routes Route::get('institutions/{id}', 'InstitutionController@show');

like image 33
afikri Avatar answered Dec 25 '22 17:12
