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Laravel collection using map and contains

I am having problem with available key in the map collection.

The available key use contains method. It should return true if the value of product id in $unavailableProducts does not contain in $products ($value->product_id == $product->id)

What did I do wrong?

    $unavailableProducts = $this->unavailableProducts();
    $products = $this->products->all();

    $allProducts = $products->map(function ($product) use($unavailableProducts) {
    return [
        'id'            => $product->id,
        'title'         => $product->title,
        'available'     => $unavailableProducts['result']->contains(function ($value, $key) use ($product) {
            if ($value->product_id == $product->id) {
                return false;
            return true;
like image 847
I'll-Be-Back Avatar asked Apr 30 '17 22:04


People also ask

How do I map a collection in Laravel?

The map method applies a given callback function to each element of a collection. The callback function will modify the item and create a new Laravel collection for them. The map method will not modify the original collection, instead it will return a new collection with all the changes.

What is collection contains () method in Laravel?

This method applies to both Laravel Collection as well as Eloquent Collection object. contains () method checks whether Laravel Collections contains certain given value or not. If you pass one value to the contains () method, it will check whether collection has any value matching to the parameter.

Is it safe to use map () method in Laravel?

Note: The map () method will not modify the original Laravel Collection, so it is safe to use without worrying about unknown data mutation. The Callback function requires two parameters - $item, $key in this order.

What is the difference between map and callback in Laravel?

The callback function will modify the item and create a new Laravel collection for them. The map method will not modify the original collection, instead it will return a new collection with all the changes. The provied callback function should accept the $item and the items $key as it’s only argument.

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1 Answers

First, make sure that $unavailableProductions['result'] is a collection.

Second, change your contains method like this:

$unavailableProducts = $this->unavailableProducts();
$products = $this->products->all();

$allProducts = $products->map(function ($product) use($unavailableProducts) {
    return [
        'id'            => $product->id,
        'title'         => $product->title,
        'available'     => $unavailableProducts['result']->contains('id', $product->id),

The $unavailableProducts['result']->contains('id', $product->id) will determine if the $unaviableProductions['result'] collection has a key id where the value is $product->id

like image 67
crabbly Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 16:10
