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Laravel blade check box


I want to set check-boxes state from database, so I write,

{{ Form::checkbox('asap', null, $offer->asap) }} 

But if I want to set 'id' to the check-box like

{{ Form::checkbox('asap', null, $offer->ASAP, array('id'=>'asap')) }} 

It always set my check-box state to true. (Before user select it)

So question how set 'id' in blade check-boxes when check-box state is set before user select it?

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lggg3 Avatar asked Nov 17 '14 13:11


People also ask

How can check checkbox is checked or not in laravel blade?

“check if checkbox checked laravel blade” Code Answer //If the checkbox is checked, then the $request->check will not be null. Otherwise, it will. //Then the $isChecked variable will be true if the checkbox is checked, and false if it isn't.

How do I make a checkbox in HTML?

The <input type="checkbox"> defines a checkbox. The checkbox is shown as a square box that is ticked (checked) when activated. Checkboxes are used to let a user select one or more options of a limited number of choices. Tip: Always add the <label> tag for best accessibility practices!

2 Answers

I know this question was answered before, in this one I am going to explain step by step how to implement checkboxes with Laravel/blade with different cases ...

So in order to load your checkboxes from the database or to test if a checkbox is checked :

First of all you need to understand how it works, as @itachi mentioned :

{{ Form::checkbox( 1st argument, 2nd argument, 3rd argument, 4th argument ) }}

  • First argument : name
  • Second argument : value
  • Third argument : checked or not checked this takes: true or false
  • Fourth argument : additional attributes (e.g., checkbox css classe)

Example :

{{ Form::checkbox('admin') }}  //will produces the following HTML <input name="admin" type="checkbox" value="1">  {{ Form::checkbox('admin', 'yes', true) }} //will produces the following HTML <input checked="checked" name="admin" type="checkbox" value="yes"> 

How to get checkboxes values ? ( in your controller )

Methode 1 :

public function store(UserCreateRequest $request) {     $my_checkbox_value = $request['admin'];    if($my_checkbox_value === 'yes')      //checked   else      //unchecked   ... } 

Methode 2 :

if (Input::get('admin') === 'yes') {     // checked } else {     // unchecked } 

Note : you need to assign a default value for unchecked box :

if(!$request->has('admin')) {     $request->merge(['admin' => 0]); } 

this is nice right ? but how could we set checked boxes in our view ?

For good practice I suggest using Form::model when you create your form this will automatic fill input values that have the same names as the model (as well as using different blade Form:: inputs ..)

{!! Form::model( $user, ['route' => ['user.update', $user->id], 'method' => 'put' ]) !!}     {!! Form::checkbox('admin', 1, null) !!} {!! Form::close() !!} 

You can also get it like this :

{{ Form::checkbox('admin',null, $user->admin) }} 

Okey now how to deal with :

  • multiples checkboxes
  • Add css classe
  • Add checkbox id
  • Add label

let's say we want to get working days from our database Working days

$working_days = array( 0 => 'Mon', 1 => 'Tue', 2 => 'Wed',                         3 => 'Thu', 4 => 'Fri', 5 => 'Sat', 6 => 'Sun' );  @foreach ( $working_days as $i => $working_day ) {!! Form::checkbox( 'working_days[]',                    $working_day,                   !in_array($working_days[$i],$saved_working_days),                   ['class' => 'md-check', 'id' => $working_day]                    ) !!} {!! Form::label($working_day,  $working_day) !!} @endforeach //$saved_working_days is an array of days (have 7 days, checked & unchecked) 

I've spent sometime to figure out how to deal with multiple checkboxes I hope this can help someone :)

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Mohamed Salem Lamiri Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 21:10

Mohamed Salem Lamiri

3rd argument decides whether checkbox is checked or not. So probably $offer->ASAP (or $offer->asap is true (or not false or not null). If you want to to make checkbox unchecked either set it to false, or don't use 3rd argument (set to to null or false):

{{ Form::checkbox('asap',null,null, array('id'=>'asap')) }} 


Another possibility is that you have on your page some custom JavaScript code that finds element by asap id and checks this checkbox. So when you don't set id, JavaScript cannot check it, but when you set this id, the checkbox will be checked by JavaScript.

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Marcin Nabiałek Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 21:10

Marcin Nabiałek